Contact Information for Bruce Farris

Text or Phone: 517-618-1716

If you need help, have questions, or wish to chat about chemistry this is the best number to reach me at.  If you text me, please let me know your name and which course you are taking (I am teaching CHEM 151 online, CHEM 151 in person, CHEM 152 in person, and CHEM 262 this semester) so I can best help you.

I prefer my regular email over D2L email, because if I am working my email is open and I access my regular email through my phone as well, allowing me to respond to you more quickly.  You can also use D2L email if you prefer as I get D2L email forwarded to my regular email.  If you email me from D2L, I will reply to your D2L email using my regular email from outside D2L.  This means it will go back to you to read in D2L, but not at the communication tab inside the course.  You will be able to access it from the mail icon at the bar at the top of your D2L home page.

Alternatively, if you wish to see my emails in D2L email from within the course, you need to set the inbox filer to All Massages (in the Filter Box below the compose button, select All Messages from the pull down menu).

Thank you for helping me respond to you more quickly!

Campus Office: A&S 3203

Office Phone: 517-267-5838

When I am out of the office, I can access voicemails off campus so feel free to leave a message for me there and I’ll get back to you.

Office Hours

In-person (A&S 3203)

  • Mondays and Wednesdays 12:15-1:15 PM
  • Thursdays 1:00-1:30 PM
  • Thursdays 4:00-4:30 PM

Online (via Webex)

  • Tuesdays, 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM

Link to online office hours (when in session):

I understand that that I cannot pick times for office hours that are best for everyone.  So I will be very flexible and available to talk other times — just ask.  I can talk via phone, text message, video conference, or online chat.

For MY Online courses

I will looking at my online courses each week day (other than Wednesdays, when I am teaching in person most of the day)  and answer emails, do grading, and monitor what’s happening.  If all is going well, I’ll let you keep at it- please don’t think silence on my part means I’m ignoring the class!  I’ll let you do your thing. If not, please don’t hesitate to contact me – I want to help you succeed in the class and it is best to address problems and questions in the class right away rather than getting behind!
