Initial login to Online homework

For online homework this semester, you will be using a homework site we at LCC created for online homework assignments this semester in CHEM 151 or CHEM 152.

For online CHEM 151 or 152 courses: A link to the homework site for your course is located on the right sidebar of every page of your course website in the “Useful links” section

For in-person CHEM 151 or 152 courses: A link to the homework site for your course is located on the course D2L site.

It is a publicly available and usable site, however, for you to get credit in the course for completion of homework assignments, you will need to be logged into your homework site as a user. It is important to realize that this homework site is not directly connected to any other LCC site such as D2L, Banner, or your student email at Google. That means that just because you might already logged into D2L, it does not mean you are logged into this site.

You will need to login to this site whenever you want to have your homework activity and results recorded for credit. Logging in here is easy. You can do it from any page in the homework. If you’re on a regular computer or laptop or large-screen tablet, you’ll see at the top-right of the page, at the top of the right side-bar, there’s a little tiny form cleverly labeled “Login”. Just enter your username  and password in the two boxes and click the Login button.

If you are trying to login from a smaller-screen device such as a phone, you will likely have to scroll down to the bottom of the page where the login form will appear. Although this site can be used on a phone, it’s usually easier to do the homework on a larger screen device.

Once you log into the site (see links for CHEM 151 or 152 above – make sure you select the correct course) , the Login block on the sidebar changes automatically to a Logout link once you log in. You can tell you’re logged in because, if you are, this block will say “Welcome (whatever your name is)”. It’s a good idea to always log out if you’re not using the system at the time.

Your username is the same as your regular LCC username (mine is farrisb).

However, your password is different than the password you use to log in at LCC.  This password will be sent to you at your your student Gmail account (, NOT your D2L account.

You may change this password to something more memorable for you. In fact, we urge you to change your password to a strong password you will easily remember. A password that’s remembered and not written down somewhere is more secure than one that’s written on some notes somewhere.

To change your password, simply use the “Lost Password” link right below where you login. That will open a new page and you’ll be asked for your username or your email address. The email address associated with this account is your LCC student Gmail account – in other words, the email address that looks like . It is not your D2L email/messaging account. This lost/change password function will send an email to your student Gmail account, not your D2L account.

If you do not receive your initial email with your initial password, you can still access the system using the lost password process.

Contact me if you are unable to log in or access the site or have any questions.
