End of Week 2 Reminders

Here are some reminders and updates in the course for the end of week 2 and the beginning of week 3 (Jan 25-31)

My Office Hours for the semester

Thanks to all of you who responded to the office hours survey I sent out the first week of class.  Based on your responses, my regular weekly office hours for the semester will be:

  1. Mondays 12-1pm
  2. Wednesdays 9-10 am
  3. Wednesdays 7-8 pm
  4. Fridays 8-9 am

Link to office hours (when in session): https://lccedu.webex.com/meet/farrisb

I know these hours will not work for some of you and I apologize.  The availability of students at times was quite different from student to student, and with about 100 students this semester it was impossible to select hours that worked for everyone.  If you need to meet with me virtually and you are one of the unlucky students for which these times don’t work (or just need to meet outside of these hours), just contact me and we will set something up.

Assignments graded and returned this week

The readiness assignment and Chapter 1/Nomenclature quiz were returned to you.  Grades should be in the D2L gradebook (you can check individual and overall grades there). Graded files are available in D2L with feedback for you to see.  Feel free to ask me (or a classmate) if you have trouble finding this.

For the readiness assignment, I assigned full credit (10/10) if you turned it in — I did not grade your response to the technical questions — so a grade of 10/10 does not mean you got them correct.  By the end of next week, you shpould know whether or not they are correct — if not, ask me, your classmates, or a chem tutor for help.

For the quiz, the only general comment I have is on the nomenclature questions.  Some of you, for Iron(III) cyanide, listed the formula as C3FeN3 , which shows up fairly high on a google search (at the PubChem NIH site).  I would STRONGLY encourage you use the Formula and Nomenclature handout for learning and understanding chemical formulas as written on the handout, where the correct formula would be Fe(CN)3.  The reason for this is that the Fe(CN)3 form will allow you to much easier how it will react in dissociation and double replacement reactions, understand its bonding, and understand and predict much morse about its chemistry in topics we study the rest of the semester.

Assignments and topics for next week (see the Course Schedule)

  • MyLabsPlus for Atoms, Molecules, and Ions (Ch 2) due 1/24
  • Begin working through the final topic in Unit 1 – Stoichiometry (Ch3)
  • MyLabsPlus for Atoms, Molecules, and Ions (Ch 3) due 1/31
  • Quiz 2 (covers Atoms, Molecules, and Ions and Stoichiometry) due 1/31.  It will be available on D2L in the same place as the readiness assignment and quiz 1 on 1/25.

I will not be available via text message Sunday morning or afternoon, but will Sunday evening – so feel free to leave messages on Sunday but don’t worry if I don’t get to them until Sunday evening.

Have a good weekend and feel free to reach out with questions or if you have difficulties.



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