Reminders for Feb 16-19

Hi everyone!

Here are some updates and reminders for this week:

Chapter 2 and 3 Quiz

The chapter 2 and 3 quiz has been graded and grades posted in D2L.  I do have one comment about a common error on the quiz.

Question 2 asked for the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an iron-58 atom.  Several of you answered 26 protons (correct), 32 neutrons (correct) and 28 electrons (incorrect).  Some of you explained that it was Fe2-.  An Fe atom is neutral (zero charge) by definition.  Only an ion has a charge.  In a neutral atom, the number of protons and electrons are the same, so the correct number of electrons is 26.  If one of you (there were a lot of you)  that answered 28 electrons would be willing to tell me ehere and how you arrived at 28 I’d appreciate it as it would help me clean up the misconception for this and future classes.

Showing work on quizzes and exams

A number of you did not turn in your shown work for questions 16-20 on the unit 1 exam and/or simply wrote answers for some of the problems on the chapter 2 and 3 quiz without showing work.  If you supplied the correct answer without showing any work, I awarded you half credit for the problem for this assignments.  I did that since in an online course it is easy to forget early in the semester. At this point, you should remember. On future assignments, zero credit will be given for problems if work is not shown, even if the answer is correct.  If you have questions on what “showing work” means, please contact me.


Reminders for this week:

  1. The MyLabsPlus Chapter 10 Homework (Gases)is also due Sunday 2/21 at 11:59 pm.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or difficulties.


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