Reminders for Week of Feb 22

Hi everyone!

Here are some updates and reminders for this week:

Chapter 2 and 3 Quiz:

Last week, I asked you to tell me how (if you did) you arrived at an answer of 28 electrons for the number of electrons in an iron-58 atom (the correct number is 26).  Thanks to your classmate who passed along to me the likely source of this error (this student did not make the error by the way):

This definitely looks like the likely source of the error.  I’m not going to tell you not to google to try to find chemistry help or answers — for better and worse it’s how we get a lot of our information these days, and you probably wouldn’t listen to me anyway :).  I will point out some problems/cautions with this approach:

  1. No doubt google searches can be helpful, but you have to dig a little deeper, read the links the google search gives you and consider the question you are being asked as well as the source writing it.  Clicking on the link or reading below said there were 28 electrons in Fe2-.  The question wasn’t about an Fe2- ion, it was about an Fe atom.
  2. Google searches do not always save you time.  If you understood that in a neutral atom the number of protons equals the number of electrons and that the atomic number is the number of protons, a quick look at a periodic table would tell you that an iron atom has 26 protons (element 26) and therefore 26 electrons,  This would have been faster than a google search.

It will be helpful for you to think about this as you choose how much to incorporate (or not) google searches into your studies (in addition to looking through the provided material) as you progress through the course.

Chapter 10 and 5 Quiz: 

The Chapter 10 and 5 quiz is now available on D2L.  Click on Assessments then select Assignments from the pull down menu.  it is the same in format as the earlier quizzes this semester and is due Sunday, 2/28 at 11:59 pm.

Chapter 5 MyLabsPlus:

Is due Sunday, 2/28 at 11:59 pm.

Unit 2 Exam and Exam Preparation Help Sessions

The Unit 2 exam, covering all of Unit 2, will be held on D2L next Monday, March 1.  There will be Review/Help Sessions provided by Jaejin Ka of the Learning Commons at these dates and times:

2/25/2021, Thu 9-11AM, on webex ( by Jaejin Ka

3/1/2021, Mon 8-10AM, on webex ( by Jaejin Ka

These questions will be covered in the review sessions (as well as any other questions students might have) so you might find it useful to review/try these sets of questions before attending the sessions:

Please feel free to attend either or both of those sessions.

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have questions or difficulties.


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