Reminders for Spring Break and what’s next

Unit 2 Exam

I will complete grading Questions 16-20 on the Unit 2 exam over Spring Break and post the grade with your work in the Assignments folder as I complete them.  When I get through all of them grades will go to the D2L gradebook.

Chapter 10/5 quiz

I will complete grading these quizzes over Spring Break and post the grade with your work in the Assignments folder as I complete them.

Spring Break and Unit 3

Unit 3 began earlier this week with a study of the Electronic Structure of Atoms.  The Course Schedule lists the schedule and deadlines for Unit 3.

LCC’s Spring Break dates are Monday, March 8 through Sunday March 14.  If you wish to continue working on Unit 3 during the break, you are certainly welcome to, but there is no expectation or obligation for you to do so. If you haven’t started Unit 3 yet, Spring Break can provide an opportunity to catch up if you wish.

I will be checking email and messages periodically over break, so please feel free to contact me if needed.   Though I will likely be slower than usual in replying to messages over break I will get back to you.

Hope you have a safe and relaxing spring break.

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