Reminders and updates for Week of Sept 19-26

Unit 1 Exam and Chapter 2 and 3 Topic Assignments

Thanks for submitting your Chapter 2 and 3 Topic Assignments and work for the Unit 1 exam by pdf.  I’ve been grading both and uploading feedback to D2L as they are graded.  I also had a family obligation outside of work last week that has delayed the grading, but I’m continuing to grade them over the weekend.  The grades for each will be posted to the gradebook once they are completed for all students.  In the meantime, you can see your grade and feedback in D2L without looking at the gradebook as follows:

  1. click on “Course Progress”
  2. in the pull down menu select “Class Progress”
  3. Click the arrow to the right of Grades
  4. click the links to see feedback.  Your graded copies of work submitted as pdf and jpg files will be attachments

Please let me know if this does not work for you to be able to see feedback and I’ll help you figure it out.  D2L recently changed the way it handles assignments and I am not 100% sure I have this piece figured out.

Why graded items in the gradebook say “dropped”

According to the course syllabus, you get to drop one exam and two topic assignments at the end of the semester. The D2L gradebook is set up to automatically drop the lowest exam and two lowest assignments, so it is doing that. The first ones are the lowest at that point in time, so they say dropped. This will correct and update as more items are completed and graded.

Reminders for the coming week

I hope your work on the topics of Aqueous Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry and Gases is going well.  See the Course Schedule for guidelines of where you should be to be on pace.

The Mastering Chemistry Assignment and Topic Assignments for Aqueous Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry  (Ch 4) are due Sunday September 26.  The Mastering Chemistry assignment is available now.  The Topic Assignment will be made available on D2L in the same place as the earlier Topic Assignments tomorrow or Monday

I hope you have a good weekend and please let me know if you have questions or need assistance!

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