Updates and Reminders for Week of Oct 15-22

Hi everyone!

Here are some course updates and reminders for the following week:

Unit 2 Exam and Chapter 10/5 Topic Assignment

I’m in the process of grading both of these and am partially through both.  My progress has been slowed the past few days as I have been ill, but I am doing better now and will work to catch up with them over the weekend.  For the exam, I will post your grade in the feedback section of the Problems 16-20 submission folder under assignments as I complete and post the grading on your written work for these problems.  Grades will not go into the D2L gradebook for the Unit 2 exam until I’ve graded everyone’s work on problems 16-20.  For the topic assignment, grades will be posted as I complete them.

Unit 3

Unit 3 began earlier this week with a study of the Electronic Structure of Atoms.  The Course Schedule lists the schedule and deadlines for Unit 3.

Although Mastering Chemistry and topic assignment deadlines have normally been on Sundays, please note the Chapter 6 and 7 Mastering Chemistry and Topic Assignments will be due on Tuesday 10/26 at 11:59 pm.  Those due dates are being pushed back because Pearson has a maintenance outage for Mastering Chemistry for Saturday, October 23.. This postponement will give you some extra time as the Mastering Chemistry problems will not be available that Saturday.  I would strongly recommend you try to work ahead somewhat and begin Chapters 8 and 9 (Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding & Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theory) before Wed 10/27 though, so you are not rushed on that topic.

Have a good weekend and feel free to reach out with questions.

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