Updates and Reminders for Week of Nov 6-12

Hi everyone!

Here are some course updates and reminders for the following week:

Unit 3 Exam and Chapter 8/9 Topic Assignment

The topic assignments are graded and I’m working on Unit Exams this weekend and early next week.  For the exam, I will post your grade in the feedback section of the Problems 16-20 submission folder under assignments as I complete and post the grading on your written work for these problems.  Grades will not go into the D2L gradebook for the Unit 3 exam until I’ve graded everyone’s work on problems 16-20.

Unit 4

Both Unit 4 and Unit 5 are shorter than the first 3 units – so the last two exams will occur more quickly than the last two.  This weeks topic was Chemical Equilibrium. There is no topic assignment for this topic (there will be only one topic assignment in Unit 4), but Mastering Chemistry for this chapter and topic is due by 11:59 pm Sunday, Nov 7.

For other details and deadlines, see the Course Schedule.  As always, contact me with any questions or help with the course material.


Have a good weekend!

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