Updates and reminders for week of Nov 12-18

There is no Mastering Chemistry assignment or Topic Assignment due this weekend, to allow you time to continue work on the longer topic and chapter of Acids and Bases.  I hope your work on this topic is going well.

The Mastering Chemistry Assignment for Acids and Bases is due Sunday November 21.  and is available now.  The topic assignment for Chemical Equilibrium and Acids and Bases will be made available by Monday (in the same place as the previous topic assignments) and is also due Sunday November 21.

The Unit 4 exam is Monday November 22.  It will be given in the same way as the previous exams and will be similar in format, with work submitted in the same way.  I will send out a reminder and instruction for the exam later this week.

Please feel free to follow up with any questions.

Have a good weekend!

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