Week 1 reminders for CHEM 151 (including due dates this week)

I hope you all had a good weekend and have been able to access your course materials and get started!

Thanks to those of you who have responded to the course survey.  I am reading through them and will reply to the questions you asked by email over the next several days.

Please see below for some reminders and deadlines for the coming week

Reminders and Upcoming Deadlines

  1. The introduction to Mastering Chemistry assignment is due Tuesday (8/23) at 11:59 pm.  If you need instructions on how to access it from D2L, see this link:How to access Mastering Chemistry Online Homework
  2. The CHEM 151 Readiness Assignment is due Thursday 8/25.  It is available in D2L by clicking on assessments then assignments.
  3. The Chapter 1 Mastering Chemistry Homework is also due 8/25.
  4. The Chapter 1 and Formulas and Nomenclature Topic Assignment is also due 8/25
  5. All assignments are due at 11:59 pm on their due date
  6. The next topic is Matter and Measurement.  Reading the material at the link and the textbook reading will help you with both the homework and the topic assignment for Chapter 2.

I will typically send out reminders like this weekly, sometimes on Fridays and sometimes on Mondays, but please contact me by text, phone, email, or office hours if you have questions about accessing or completing the assignments, or questions about the concepts covered.


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