Reminders for this week (Aug 29 through Sept 5)

I hope you have all gotten off to a good start in the course and in the semester! Thanks to all of you for turning in the assignments that have been due so far.  Here is some info regarding work you have turned in so far:

  1. I have been reading the beginning of semester surveys for those of you who have turned them in.  A number of you have asked very good questions.  I had about 70 surveys to go through between all my online classes, so if I haven’t answered your survey question by email yet, I will this week.
  2. I will be going through and grading the Readiness Assignments you turned in over the next few days.  It will take me a bit as I received over 80 of them this semester and I’m taking the time to review them carefully.  I’m not grading them for correctness — if you completed and submitted it, your score is 10/10, even if the technical questions are incorrect.  I will upload my responses to D2L.
  3. I am also in the process of grading the first Topic Assignment.  The topic assignments will be graded for correctness — you can think of them as take home quizzes.  As I grade them, I will enter your grades in the D2L gradebook and upload your graded copies to D2L.
  4. Mastering Chemistry grades for each individual Mastering Chemistry assignment will not be entered into the D2L gradebook.  Your total Mastering Chemistry grade will be entered into D2L at the end of the semester.


Here are some updates and reminders for the coming week:

  1. This week’s topic is Atoms, Molecules, and Ions. It will have a Mastering Chemistry assignment (Ch 2) due Thursday 9/1.
  2. The next topic assignment will cover the next two topics (Atoms, Molecules, and Ions and Stoichiometry)
  3. Remember, you can see all deadlines on the Course Schedule.

Have a good week and let me know if you have questions!

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