Updates and reminders for October 1-10 and rest of Unit 2

Here are some updates and reminders for the rest of Unit 2

  1. The next Topic Assignment, covering Gases (Ch 10) and Thermochemistry (Ch 5) is available on D2L now and due Thursday 10/6. It can be found in D2L by clicking the Assessments tab then Assignments (same location as earlier Topic Assignments).  Some of you did not show your work on earlier Topic Assignments (simply writing the answers to multi-step problems).  Please know that you are required to show sufficient work that you demonstrate your understanding of the problem, and that zero credit will be given for correct answers with no solutions or work shown.
  2. The Mastering Chemistry Chapter 5 Assignment (covering Thermochemistry)  is due Thursday 10/6.
  3. Several of you informed me that the video for Question 5 on the Ch 10 (Gases) Mastering Chemistry site was not working.  Thank you for calling that to my attention.  I have adjusted all of your grades on the Ch 10 Mastering Chemistry assignment by the 0.6 points for that problem, to add credit for that problem onto your score.
  4. The Unit 2 Exam will be offered Thursday 10/6 through Monday 10/10 (not including Sunday).  More detailed information about the exam is below.
  5. Remember, you can see all deadlines on the Course Schedule.
Exam Information

The exam is a proctored, pen/pencil and paper exam.  It is not offered online on D2L. The exam will be taken  in the testing center of your choice (like Exam 1). The window is 10/6-10/10 (excluding Sunday when the Testing Centers are closed), so you can take it during Testing Center open hours on

      • Thurs 10/6
      • Fri 10/7
      • Sat 10/8
      • Mon 10/10

Testing hours and locations are at this link

There is detailed information about the exams at this link.  Please read it carefully – it contains the answers to many frequently asked questions.  Let me know if you have additional questions after reading it.

For this exam, you will be provided a copy of the Periodic Table for Units 1-3.  You can see the Table in the Unit 2 Folder under content in D2L.  You will also be supplied with a copy of the solubility rules in the Unit 2 folder or at this link.  There is no need to memorize the solubility rules.

There are resources in the Unit 2 Folder under Content to help you prepare.  Please take a look at them.  One of those resources is a practice exam.  Please read more about the practice exam below:

Practice Exam
What the practice exam is:

This practice exam will be similar in length, number of questions, types of questions (multiple choice, short answer, numerical problems, etc) to your exam.  The practice exam will be useful as a general review and will help you see how prepared you are.  If the practice exam (without looking at your notes) is easy for you, the actual exam probably will be.  If it is difficult, the actual exam probably will be.

What the practice exam is NOT:

The actual exam will NOT be the same as the practice exam with only a few numbers changed.  Do NOT think that if you only study and memorize the questions on the practice exam that you will be ready for the exam because the questions will be the same. 

Tutoring Opportunities

LCC Tutoring is offering Exam 1 Prep help sessions free to all CHEM 151 students.  Information about the sessions is shown here and a link given specific dates and times is here. Please let me know if you have questions about these sessions.  The general Fall 2022 Chemistry Tutoring Schedule is at this link.

Have a good weekend and let me know if you have questions!

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