Online CHEM 151 – Update and reminders

I hope you have all had a good first week of class and long weekend and have been able to access your course materials and get started!  I will typically send out reminders and updates like this most weeks, but please contact me by text, phone, email, or office hours if you have questions about accessing or completing the assignments, or questions about the concepts covered.

Deadlines this week (today)

  • Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 1 is due today by 11:59 pm.  Thanks to all of you who have submitted it already.  It has been helpful to me to better get the class underway for you.  If you haven’t yet submitted it, click the link for instructions in how to do do.
  • Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 2, which covers the first class topic (essential ideas – matter and measurement) is also due today by 11:59 pm.  It is more similar to what future class participation exercises will be like.
  • Online Homework: Essential Ideas: Matter and Measurement is due today by 11:59 pm.  Remember you must be logged in when doing the homework.   And remember, the system does NOT use D2L email.

What to study/do this week to stay on pace


Have a great week and let me know if you have questions or need help!

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