Online CHEM 151 Update weekend of March 18-19

LCC sent out information on Twitter last night reporting on the status of courses and closures as a result of the cyberthreat.  If you haven’t already read it, see the link here: Update on Twitter

Key points from the update:

  • If you have any in-person classes, they resume Tuesday March 21.
  • Online courses are paused until further notice (since D2L and LCC email are not operational.  However, if you wish, you can continue some work in this course during the outage.  For what you can do and deadline information, see below:
Reading course material on this website and in the OpenStax website

Everything on this site and the optional OpenStax text are not affected by the outage

Online Homework Assignments

The online homework system is still operable.  As you know, it is new and in some of the sections (including the unit 3 assignments).  I have uploaded some problems to the electronic structure and periodic properties assignment and will continue throughout the weekend and into next week on it and later assignments.  If you wish, you are free to work on the online homework now and as I upload other problems.  However, the deadline for the online homework for both assignments Unit 3 will be extended to well after online classes at LCC resume.

Quiz/Class Participation

Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 8 is available for you to work on now, and I will post Quiz/class participation 9 this week.  I will continue to post the rest (10-13) periodically.  New due dates for all of them will be posted on the course schedule after online classes resume at LCC.  However, if you want to want to work on them during the outage, you are free to do so.  If you do, you will just need to hold on to your completed assignments, as you will not be able to submit them to me until LCC email resumes (unless you happen to be on campus, where you could give me a paper copy).  You can submit them to me by email once email is restored and classes resume.


New exam windows will be posted on the Online Course Schedule once classes resume

Grades and Grading

Until D2L access is restored, neither you or I will have access to your grades.  Also, I will not be able to grade any assignments until email is restored.  Hopefully, that will be soon!


If you live in the Lansing area and can come to campus, the Learning Commons will be providing in-person tutoring and I will be available to meet on campus as well (either during office hours MW 12:30 – 1:30 or other times by appointment).  I can be reached by call or text at 517-618-1716 (but not by email) until the outage ends.  If you have any questions, please contact me at that number as well.




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