Online CHEM 151 reminders for week of August 28-Sept 4

Hi online CHEM 151 students!  I hope you and your families survived (or are surviving) the windstorm and all the associated outages.  I’m a little late with the update this week as I have been dealing with a large downed tree in the backyard and internet and power outages.  Here is a list of what is coming up this coming week:

Quizzes being returned:

I’ve returned your Quiz/class participation 1 surveys to you by email.  Thanks for sending them in by pdf.  If you turned it in, you got full credit 10/10 in the D2L gradebook.  Hopefully I answered your questions that you submitted on the returned surveys, if I did not answer your questions or you have additional ones please contact me.  I’m currently working through Quiz/class participation 2 (I’ve been slowed down by having internet and power issues) and will return those to you by email as I finish them.

Online Homework:

I’ve been pleased to see that several of you have been able to access the online homework and begin work.  I apologize for the email issues.  Last week I send out an updtae by email hoping to help you get loggied in to the online homework – a copy of the email is here:

Many of you have contacted me today about having not received the email containing login instructions for your CHEM 151 or Chem 152 online homework.  You were enrolled in the homework site as we indicated on Wed Aug 23, but for some reason we haven’t been able to determine the emails with login credentials were not generated and sent to you when you were enrolled.  My apologies for the confusion and difficulty this has caused.

Here are instructions that (hopefully) will allow you to access the system and get started.  Please read all the sections below.
How to reset your password and login (you can skip this step if you have been able to log in, but please read the additional information below this )
  1. I have had the system send a password reset email to you.  This email has been sent to your LCC Student email address ( It will NOT be sent to D2L email.   Please read this email and follow the instructions to reset your password.
  2. If you are not able to reset your password, please let me know, and if you are able, drop in at the CTE WebEx session Friday Aug 25, where CTE staff may be able to help you with additional login issues.
  3. If you are able to reset your password, go to your online homework site for your course (a link to it is on your course schedule or in D2L for in-person classes or on the right sidebar of the course website for online classes.  Links to the homework for each course are also below (click the right one for your course) and then log in using your userid(the same as you use to log into campus computers or D2L – mine is farrisb) and the password you just reset it to.
    1. Online CHEM 151 with Bruce Farris:
    2. In person Tues Thurs CHEM 151 with Bruce Farris:
    3. MW in person chem 152 with Bruce Farris:
Additional help on WebEx if you are unable to log in
Login issues?
Students who are experiencing issues logging into their homework site for their CHEM 151/152 can reach out to the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) for support.
The CTE is offering a drop in support session on Friday, August 25, 2023 from 11:00 am-4:00 pm online via Webex.
Join the session here:
Additional Information (please read even if you have already logged in)
Below is the email you were supposed to receive Aug 23 – even though you won’t need it now, the links contain useful instructions about the homework website

Hello! You have been registered as a user on [sitename].

We will be using a homework site that we at LCC created for online assignments this semester in [CHEM152/151]. You can visit the homework site at [siteurl]. This site is publicly available, but in order to receive credit for your homework, you will need to log in.

It is important to note that this homework site is not connected to D2L or Banner; just because you are logged into D2L or Banner does not mean you are logged into [sitename].

These are written and video instructions on how to log into [sitename]:

Login Information

Your username is [username]

Your password is [password]

This password is different from your D2L, Banner, or student email. If you would like to change your password, click Lost Password. You will be asked for your username or email address. The email address associated with this homework site is your LCC student Gmail account, not D2L. Follow the instructions to change your password.

If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please either contact your instructor or the Open Learning Specialist at Please include any screenshots, error messages, or other information you feel may be important.

Hope you have a wonderful semester. Happy learning!

I hope this enables you to successfully log in – if not, please let me know and we’ll work through it.  I apologize for the inconvenience.


Due next week:

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