Online CHEM 151 reminders for week of Oct 16-23

Hi online CHEM 151 students!  I know this update is a little late — my apologies for that.  This past week has been an unusual and challenging one — I hope that has not been the case for you and that things are going well and smmothly.

At this point, hopefully you are well into Unit 3.   Here is a list of. updates and reminders for the coming week.

Unit 2 Exam returned

Your graded unit 1 exams have all been returned to you via email (to both D2L email and LCC Student email) as pdf attachments.  Please take a look at the exam and check the grading and total score.  I would be happy to talk to any of you via email, phone or WebEx about any specific exam questions or general concerns/questions after taking the exam – please contact me should you wish and I’m glad to try to help!

Most students do say Unit 2 is the most difficult.  If you did struggle with it, I’d suggest you contact me and/or the Learning Commons Tutors both for help on the questions as well as to discuss approaches you might try in order to improve scores on future exams.

Quiz/Class Participation 8 and 9

Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 8 is available and due Thursday, Oct 19.  Let me know if you need a little extra time as I got this reminder out late – I can work with you on that!

Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 9, covering Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding & Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theory, is due Thursday Oct 26.

Unit 3 Exam and Homework

The window to take the Unit 3 exam is Oct 26-30, with the Unit 3 homework assignments due Oct 30

I hope you have a good week and please let me know if you have questions or need assistance!

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