Online CHEM 151 reminders for week of Jan 13-19

Hi online CHEM 151 students!  I hope your semester is off to a good start.  If you haven’t gotten started in the course yet, after reading this measurements please read this page next: – it will give you all the info you need to get started.  I will send these course updates and reminders out each week sometime near the end of the week or over the weekend, and they will concentrate on what is coming in the following week.

Due next week:

  1. Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 1 is due Tuesday, Jan 16, Thanks to those of you who have already submitted it, I will continue looking at your responses and answering questions over the weekend and coming days.  See the link for instructions on how to complete and submit it.
  2. uiz/Class Participation Assignment 2 is due Tuesday Jan 16.
  3. Other Unit 1 assignments and deadlines are available in the Online Course Schedule

Online Homework:

I’m happy to see that many of you have been able to access the Online Homework Website and begin work.  Even though the first three assignments are not due until exam day, keeping up as you go through the material will be valuable and helpful!

Please make sure you are logged into the site when answering questions or your work will not be recorded and graded.  You should have received an email from the system with login instructions. This email would to to your LCC student email, NOT to D2L email.

If you are having trouble logging in or did not receive/cannot locate the email, your user name will be your LCC technology user ID.  Enter that user name and click “lost password”.  You should then receive an email (to your LCC student email, NOT to D2L email) with instructions to reset password and log in.

Please contact me if you are unable to log in.

Have a great week, and please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions.

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