Updates and reminders for week of April 29

Hi Online CHEM 151 Students,

The last week of the semester is here!

Some final  updates and reminders for the upcoming week (and the rest of the semester)  are listed below:

Unit 5 Due Dates

  • Both Unit 5 Online Homework assignments will be due today –  Monday, April 29.
  • Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 13 is due today Monday, April 29.
  • The Unit 4 exam window is April 26-April 30, so the last day to take it is Tuesday, April 30.

Online Homework Grade

On Thursday, May 2, I will remove login access to the online homework site and post your homework grades to the D2L gradebook, so you will know your homework totals going into the Final Exam.  After I have removed login access, you will still be able to access the homework for practice if you wish but your work will not be recorded or credited.

Final Exam

Detailed information for the final exam is listed at this link:Final Exam. Please read it carefully.  There are three major differences from the unit exams for the final exam:

  1. It is longer.  Please allocate 100 minutes to take it in the testing center.
  2. You are allowed to take a 3″ by 5″ index card with anything you wish to write on it (2 sides, handwritten)
  3. The window for taking it ends on a Saturday ( available Tuesday 4/30 through Saturday 5/4), not Monday as the unit exams were.. If this provides undue difficulty for you, please contact me as soon as possible so we can make arrangements for you to take it Monday.  Any extensions beyond Monday 5/6 will require extenuating circumstances and will require that you receive an Incomplete grade for the course.

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