Updates and Reminders for week 2

I hope you had a good Labor Day weekend!  Here are some brief updates and reminders for the second week of class:

week 2:

Grades so far

At this point, I have read your introductory surveys that you submitted and returned them to the email address you sent them from with any comments.  Thanks for sending them in!  nYou received 10 points for completing the survey and submitting it.

Also, your grade for Quiz 1 (taken on D2L) should be in the D2L grade book.  Since the lowest three quiz grades will be dropped and the D2L gradebook is already set up to do that, it will say at this time that the quiz is dropped — please don’t worry about that.  The gradebook is working correctly and will keep your highest nine quiz grades at the end of the semester.

Finally, I received several questions about the quiz on Questions 9 and 11:

  • For Question 9, please note that for numbers between 0 and 1, it is considered incorrect form to start with a decimal point (for example 0.5 is correct, .5 is incorrect).   As we often use numbers like .5 in everyday life, I did not penalize you for that, rather I credited everyone an extra 0.5 points to make up for that question.
  • For Question 11 (convert 400. K to degrees F), many of you did the calculation correctly and entered 260.33.  However, since 400.K has three significant figures, following the significant figure rules the answer should have three as well.  Therefore, 260. was correct (261 was also accepted).  There was an errot in the quiz and 260. was initially considered incorrect, but if you answered that I’ve fixed it and credited you for that.

Please let me know if you have any questions about accessing material or assignments, the course as a whole or how the course works, or about the course material.  Have a good week!

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