Updates and Reminders for week 5

Unit 1 is complete and I hope you are off to a good start in completing Unit 2.  Listed below is some iformation about the completed Unit 1 exam and some updates and reminders for the next week of class.

Unit 1 Exam

I have returned a graded copy (as a pdf file) to each of you via email to both your LCC student email address and by D2L email.  I know some of you prefer to use a personal email address or a non-LCC address (an MSU email address, for example).  Please know that LCC prohibits me from sending grade info to a non-LCC email address, so you’ll need to look for your returned exam at either your LCC student email address or D2L mail.

The exam average was 64 and the high score was 100.  I would be happy to answer any questions you have about how to do any of the questions you struggled on or about the grading – just contact me and we can do so.

Extra credit opportunity associated with returned exam 1

In order to encourage and incentivize students to take advantage of the help and tutoring opportunities available at LCC, the following bonus point opportunity is available for exam 1 only:

    • You can earn 5 bonus points by going over each incorrect question in your Unit 1 exam with either one of the Learning Commons Chemistry Tutors or with your instructor.  The deadline for doing this is September 30, 2024.
    • To complete the bonus assignment with a Learning Commons Tutor (either in-person or on Webex)
      • Complete the session with one of the tutors (either in person or remotely): Learning Commons Chemistry Tutoring Schedule
      • Give the tutor your name and instructor name (Bruce Farris)
      • Complete by Sept 30.
      • On Oct 1, the tutors will let me know you completed the assignment and I will credit you.
    • To complete the bonus assignment with your instructor
      • Contact me and we will schedule a time to go over your exam.  Contact Info for Prof. Bruce Farris
      • We can go over your exam either in-person or on WebEx.
      • There is no option to complete this assignment by sending email questions and answers.
      • Complete by Sept 30 (note – if you wish to go over the exam with me, don’t wait to the last minute to schedule.  I will not be able to accomodate an unlimited number of people on Sept 30)

Updates and reminders for week 5

week 5 :

Hope you have a good week and please contact me with any questions!

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