Updates and reminders for Unit 5

Hi everyone!

Here are some course updates and reminders for the following 2 weeks:

Unit 4 Exam and Chapter 15/16 Topic Assignment

I’ve started grading exams and topic assignments and will work on them over Thanksgiving weekend (after taking the holiday off tomorrow).  For the exam, I will post your grade in the feedback section of the Problems 16-20 submission folder under assignments as I complete and post the grading on your written work for these problems.  Grades will not go into the D2L gradebook for the Unit 4 exam until I’ve graded everyone’s work on problems 16-20.

Unit 5

Unit 5 is another short unit with just two topics: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and Solids (Chapter 11) and Properties of Solutions (Chapter 13).  There is a Mastering Chemistry assignment for each topic.  They will be due on the following dates:

  • Chapter 11: Monday 11/19
  • Chapter 13: Monday 12/6

The topic assignment for Chapters 11 and 13 will be due Monday 12/6 and there will be a two day window for exam 4 (Monday 12/6 or Tuesday 12/7)

These dates are all on the Course Schedule.  As always, contact me with any questions or help with the course material.

Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday weekend!

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