Final Exam Reminder and Bonus Point Opportunity

The final exam is today, Friday, December 10 . It is two hours, available at 8 am and due by 11:59 pm.  Remember to complete it and submit your work to the submission folder.

Also, you have the opportunity to complete the student course evaluation through the link when you access D2L or this link. These evaluations are useful — I actually look at them and use thoughts and feedback on what worked well and what didn’t to help make the course better for students.  This is especially helpful for online courses!

So far, 25 of you have completed evaluations — thank you!  Our goal is to have at least 80% of the students who have actively completed the course to complete and submit them — that means we need 17 more for a total of 42.  If we reach the goal of 42 (and 80%), each of you will be awarded 5 bonus points.  So please take a few minutes to fill out the evaluation before you wrap up the semester (the deadline is Monday, Dec 13) to help reach that goal and make the course better!


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