CHEM 151 Exam 1 Recap and reminders for this week (Sept 19-23)

Exam 1

If you completed Exam 1 last week, your exam score is in the D2L gradebook and I have returned your graded Exam 1 by email.  I would be happy to answer any questions you have about the exam or to meet on WebEx to go over it with you.

The exam scores were lower than expected.  Many of you struggled especially with the last topic, stoichiometry (Chapter 3).  For that reason, the remaining Unit exam windows will be extended from Thursday – Saturday to Thursday – Monday.  For the next exam, this means that you will have from Oct 6-10 to complete the exam instead of Oct 6-8.  Hopefully the extra day will give you a little more time to prepare for the last topic before the exam.  I will update the Online Course Schedule completely to reflect these new exam deadlines this week.

If you scored less than 60 on the first exam (or especially if you scored in the 40s or below), I would strongly recommend that you follow up with me (by email, text, or during office hours) for help or with the Learning Commons tutors for help.  The material in Units 2-5 is more difficult than the material in the course so far, and you need to understand the material we have completed in Unit 1 to understand the material in the rest of the course.  The rest of the course builds on what we have done so far.  If you did poorly on the first exam, there is still time to turn it around and improve, but you will need to change your approach,  This may include attending tutoring sessions, looking at additional resources, asking me questions, studying the existing material more, or other approaches.  Please contact me or the learning commons tutors (Fall 2022 Chemistry Tutoring Schedule) – we want you to succeed and would be happy to help!

Finally, several of you did not take Exam 1.  I do not know if you forgot it, didn’t know about it, didn’t feel confident enough to take it, were ill, or had other reasons.   If you did not know about the exam, please contact me and we can discuss steps both you and I might be able to take to help you better keep up with the class.

Deadlines for this week (see the Online Course Schedule)

  • The Ch 4 Mastering Chemistry Assignment is due by 11:59  pm Thursday, 9/22.
  • The Ch 4 Topic Assignment is due by 11:59  pm Thursday, 9/22.  It is available on D2L now.  It will be found in D2L by clicking the Assessments tab then Assignments (same location as earlier Topic Assignments).

Deadlines for the rest of Unit 2 (see the Online Course Schedule)

  • Ch 10 Mastering Chemistry : 9/29
  • Ch 5 Mastering Chemistry : 10/6
  • Ch 10 and 5 Topic Assignment : 10/6
  • Unit 2 exam (on paper in testing centers, just like Unit 1 exam) : 10/6 – 10/10 (will not be available Sunday 10/9)

Please contact me with any questions.


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