Update and reminders for week of Nov 5-11 and Unit 4

Here are some updates and reminders for the coming week and for Unit 4

Unit 3 Exam

The Unit 3 exams are graded and grades are posted in the D2L gradebook.  I scanned all the graded exams for the class today and will return them to each of you by email this weekend.  If you have any questions about any of the problems on the exam, I would be happy to go over them with you.

Unit 4

Unit 4 has two topics – Chemical Equilibrium and Acids and Bases.  The deadlines for Unit 4 are available on the course schedule or are here:

  • Ch 15 Mastering Chemistry – 11/10 (Changed from 11/3).  I would recommend you finish this as soon as possible and begin Acids and Bases, which is a longer topic.
  • Ch 15 Mastering Chemistry – 11/17
  • Topic Assignment – Ch 15 and 16 – 11/17
  • Unit 4 Exam – 11/17 through 11/21

Have a good weekend and please follow up with any questions.


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