Online CHEM 151 – Update and reminders (Including Exam 1 Info)

I hope you are all getting settled into the rhythm of the class and how it works as well in progressing in the chemistry!  Make sure you check the Online Course Schedule regularly to remember assignments.  If you have not been doing that is a good habit to start – you (not I) are responsible for making sure you are keeping up with the dealines and assignments.

Please read everything below carefully and let me know if you have questions.

Online Homework

Hopefully you are all logged into the online homework and is going well – I can see most of you have been completing the assignments.  Remember you MUST BE LOGGED IN to receive credit.  A few of you forgot to log in for the first assignments and I worked with you, but at this point you have had time to get used to the software and should be able to remember to log in.  Therefore, I will no longer credit students for work if they forget to log in for the remaining assignments this semester.  If you are a person that tends to forget to log in, I’d recommend writing the answers on scrap paper after you work them so you could go back later and type in the answers if you forget to log in.

The next online homework assignment (on Stoichiometry) is due Monday 1/30.

Quiz / Class Participations

I have gone through all of the Quiz 1 assignments and returned them to you.  If you turned it in, you received full credit of 10 points.  Thanks to all of you who took the time to introduce yourselves and for all the good questions you asked.

I have graded and returned most of the quiz 2 submissions (returned to the email you sent them from).  Thanks to all of you who submitted them as pdf files according to the instructions!  If you haven’t gotten yours back yet, look for it this week.  I will start Quiz 3 after the Quiz 2 submissions are all graded and returned.

Quiz/Class Participation Exercise 4 is due Monday 1/30.

Unit 1 Exam

Exam Information

The exam is a proctored, pen/pencil and paper exam.  It is not offered online on D2L.  It will be available during open Testing Center Days and Hours beginning Friday 1/27 and ending Tuesday 1/31.

The exam will cover:

Testing hours and locations are at this link

There is detailed information about the exams at this link.  Please read it carefully – it contains the answers to many frequently asked questions.  Let me know if you have additional questions after reading it.

For this exam, you will be provided a copy of the Periodic Table for Units 1-3.  A copy of the periodic table you will receive is at this link.

Additional Study Resources

Don’t forget to look at the Unit 1 – additional study resourcespage on this Website.  It contains many resources to help you prepare for the exam.  Please take a look at them.  One of those resources is a practice exam.  Please read more about the practice exam below:

Practice Exam
What the practice exam is:

This practice exam will be similar in length, number of questions, types of questions (multiple choice, short answer, numerical problems, etc) to your exam.  The practice exam will be useful as a general review and will help you see how prepared you are.  If the practice exam (without looking at your notes) is easy for you, the actual exam probably will be.  If it is difficult, the actual exam probably will be.

What the practice exam is NOT:

The actual exam will NOT be the same as the practice exam with only a few numbers changed.  Do NOT think that if you only study and memorize the questions on the practice exam that you will be ready for the exam because the questions will be the same. 

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