Online CHEM 151 reminders for week of Sept 17-22

Hi online CHEM 151 students!   At this point, Unit 1 is complete and hopefully you have gotten a good start on Unit 2.  The following is a list of updates and reminders for the coming week.

Unit 1 Exam returned

Your graded unit 1 exams have all been returned to you via email (to both D2L email and LCC Student email) as pdf attachments.  The exam average was 63.7.  Please take a look at the exam and check the grading and total score.  I would be happy to talk to any of you via email, phone or WebEx about any specific exam questions or general concerns/questions after taking the exam – please contact me should you wish and I’m glad to try to help!

Quiz/Class Participation 4

After grading and returning Unit 1 exams for this class and my in-person class, I’m currently grading Quiz/participation 4 and returning them as I grade them.  If you haven’t received it yet, look for it soon via email.

Quiz/Class Participation 5

Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 5 is available and due Thursday, Sept 21.

Upcoming Unit 2 deadlines

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