Final Exam Reminder

Hi CHEM 151 Online Students,

Just a reminder that the available dates to take the final exam are today (Friday 12/8) and tomorrow  (Saturday 12/9).   The Downtown Campus Testing Center closes at 3pm on Friday and at 1pm on Saturday, and students have 1 hour after those times to finish testing. If you plan to test at West Campus, LCC East, or the Livingston County Center, please visit the Testing Hours and Locations Webpage for each location’s testing hours.

If this provides undue difficulty for you, please contact me as soon as possible so we can make arrangements.

Detailed information for the final exam is listed at this link:Final Exam. Please read it carefully.  There are three major differences from the unit exams for the final exam:

  1. It is longer.  Please allocate 100 minutes to take it in the testing center.
  2. You are allowed to take a 3″ by 5″ index card with anything you wish to write on it (2 sides, handwritten)

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