Online CHEM 151 reminders for week of Feb 12

Hi online CHEM 151 students!

At this point, hopefully you are well into Unit 2. To be “on pace” you should have completed your study of Solutions and Chemical Reactions and be underway on Gases.

The following is a list of updates and reminders for the coming week:

Quiz/Class Participation 6 and 7

Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 6 is available now and is due by Monday Feb 19 at 11:59 pm (also listed on the Course Schedule).  If you need a little extra time as the quiz was made available late, just let me know and I’ll work with you.

Quiz/Class Participation Assignment 7 will be due by Monday Feb 26 at 11:59 pm (also listed on the Course Schedule).

Other upcoming Unit 2 deadlines

Have a great week and please contact me with any questions or concerns!

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