Updates and reminders for week of March 18

Hi CHEM 151 online students,

I hope you had good spring break, that your return last week went well and that your progress on Unit 3 is going well. Some updates and announcements for the week are listed below.

Unit 2 Recap

The Unit 2 exams have all been graded and returned to you.  Please let me know if you have questions about how to do any of the problems or the grading and I will be glad to discuss it with you.  Unit 2 is the post mathematical of the units and had the most emphasis on problem solving — and on average is the most difficult for the most students.  You will find that Unit 3 is much more conceptual, with Units 4 and 5 to be somewhere between Units 2 and 3.

Unit 3

I hope your study of Electronic Structure of Atoms & Periodic Properties of Elements has been going well – next up is Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding & Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theory.  There are some issues with the images in the Bruce’s Notes – Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding & Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theory page — they are due to some updates in the OpenStax website.  I am aware of the issues and I am working this week to fix them and restore the images as soon as I can.  If you have begun reading it and noticed the image issues, please check back later in the week.  I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Unit 3 due dates are as follows:

Have a great week and please let me know should you have questions!

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