Properties of Solutions

In Unit 2, you were introduced to solutions, which are homogeneous mixtures containing one or more solutes dissolved or uniformly mixed in a solvent. In that unit, the primary focus was definitions, precipitation reactions with solutions of ionic salts, acids and bases, and molarity.

How solutions form and many of their properties are connected to intermolecular forces.  Now that you have some background and understanding in intermolecular forces, we will close out our study of chemistry in CHEM 151 this semester with a second look at solutions.  You will begin with a quick review of some definitions and of molarity.  Molarity is not the only unit used for solution concentration, so the next topic will be some of the other ways concentration is expressed and calculations of these other units of concentration.

After that, we will look at the role intermolecular forces play in whether or not one substance will dissolve in another.  We will then examine the effect phase of solute has on properties of the solution.  Finally, we will close with a look at some properties of solutions called colligative properties, in which addition of a solute changes properties of the solvent in several ways.
