End of Week 1 Reminders

Congratulations on making it through your first week in CHEM 151! It’s never easy to learn to navigate all the details of a new online course and you are all doing great!

Here are some reminders for the next few days (from the Course Schedule)

  1. The CHEM 151 Readiness assignment (under the assignments tab in D2L) is due tonight at 11:59 pm.  Click assignments then click assignments again fron the pull down menu
  2. The MyLabsPlus Ch 1 assignment is due Sunday 1/17 at 11:59 pm
  3. The first quiz on Ch 1 and Formulas and Nomenclature is also due Sunday 1/17 at 11:59 pm.  This quiz can be located by clicking Assignments, then clicking assignments again (just like for the readiness assignment).  it is NOT located under Quizzes.

When you submit the chapter 1 quiz, please use the following procedure for scanning your quiz before uploading: How to Scan Documents with Apple and Android Mobile Devices

A few of you have contacted me with difficulties accessing MyLabsPlus.  Hopefully most of those have been resolved.  If you continue to have difficulties, please contact me.

When you complete the above items, pleas continue to follow the schedule, wrap up any remaining study on Matter and Measurement, and begin your work on Atoms, Molecules, and Ions.

Have a good weekend and feel free to reach out with questions or if you have difficulties.

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