Class Participation Assignment – Introductory Survey


The purposes of this assignment are to

  1. help orient you to the course
  2. allow me to get to know you a little better as a student so I can better help you to learn this semester
  3. give you the opportunity to ask questions


To complete the assignment, do the following:

  • The assignment is available at this link: Link to Class Participation Assignment
  • Answer the questions on the assignment. You can do it typewritten, handwritten, or whatever combination you want.
  • If you choose handwritten, just answer them by writing the answers on a piece of paper. If you prefer, you can print out the assignment and write on the printout. If you do not use the printout,  you do not need to write out the questions (I know what they are).
  • Scan your answers and submit them as a single pdf file.  Directions for scanning using a cell phone are available at the link How to Scan Documents with Apple and Android Mobile Devices.  Please do not submit a separate attachment for each page.  The procedure at the link will allow you to submit it as a single file.  If you cannot get it to work, as a last resort, take a picture of each page and send the pictures to me
  • Do NOT submit as a word (docx) file.  If you complete it in word save it as a pdf and send it to me.  If you send me a word file I will return it to you and ask you to submit a pdf.
  • Submit the assignment by emailing it to me as an attachment to or sending it to me via D2L email
  • I will return the graded copy to you by email to the email address you send it from, and put the grade in the D2L Gradebook.

The assignment is due by Monday 8/26 at 11:59 pm (also listed on the Course Schedule)

