End of Week 1 Reminders

Congratulations on making it through your first week in CHEM 151! It’s never easy to learn to navigate all the details of a new online course and you are all doing great!

Here are some reminders for the next few days (from the Course Schedule)

  1. The CHEM 151 Readiness assignment (under the assignments tab in D2L) is due tonight at 11:59 pm.  Click assignments then click assignments again fron the pull down menu
  2. The MyLabsPlus Ch 1 assignment is due Sunday 1/17 at 11:59 pm
  3. The first quiz on Ch 1 and Formulas and Nomenclature is also due Sunday 1/17 at 11:59 pm.  This quiz can be located by clicking Assignments, then clicking assignments again (just like for the readiness assignment).  it is NOT located under Quizzes.

When you submit the chapter 1 quiz, please use the following procedure for scanning your quiz before uploading: How to Scan Documents with Apple and Android Mobile Devices

A few of you have contacted me with difficulties accessing MyLabsPlus.  Hopefully most of those have been resolved.  If you continue to have difficulties, please contact me.

When you complete the above items, pleas continue to follow the schedule, wrap up any remaining study on Matter and Measurement, and begin your work on Atoms, Molecules, and Ions.

Have a good weekend and feel free to reach out with questions or if you have difficulties.

Welcome to CHEM 151 Spring 2021 Semester!

Welcome to the first semester of general chemistry, CHEM 151. My name is Bruce Farris. I am your instructor for the course and I look forward to working with you this semester!

This is the course website on LCC’s Open learning Lab. It will be main place where you work on the course this semester.  There is also a course D2L site which you will use to take exams, complete some other graded assignments, and check your grades.  It will be available beginning Monday, Jan 11 at 8am.  Here are links and information to hopefully answer questions about the course and instructions for how to get started:

As you familiarize yourself with the course (both the Open Learning Lab course website and D2L), please contact me with any questions.

If you need technical help with D2L, please contact the LCC Help Desk at (517) 483-5221 or visit the Help Desk website. To learn more about navigating D2L and the tools within D2L, please visit the eLearning Student Resource Site.

Finally, I’d appreciate it if you could take 5 minutes by Wednesday, Jan 13 to complete this short survey: link to survey. That will let me know that you have read this welcome message and wish to complete the course this semester! If there is anything in the survey you prefer not to answer, just leave it blank.

If you have any questions about the course, feel free to contact me. I hope you enjoy this class and encourage you to contact me frequently  by phone, text, or by email.

Again, I look forward to working with you this semester!

Reminders for Final Exam Friday 12/11/20

The Unit 5 exams are graded.  The exam average was 78.0.

The Final exam is Friday, Dec 11. It is two hours, available at 8 am and due by 11:59 pm

The exam is comprehensive, covering the entire course.  It will be similar to the unit exams in pretty much every way except it is twice as long (40 questions total, 30 4 point questions, 10 8 point questions for which work must be submitted).  You will have 2 hours, so make sure you arrange for that in your scheduling.

Specific reminders for the exam are below. Before that, a couple more items.

“What should I study?”

Students often ask me what are good things to study to prepare for the final.  That is a difficult question as it depends on how you learn.  A big part of success in college is figuring out what study approaches work for you!  That said, many students have told me that looking over their old exams, the practice quizzes, and the practice exams has been very helpful to them — them going back and studying the items they do not understand-can’t answer.  So if you are unsure that might be a good thing to do.

“What happens next/when will I see grades/etc”

I will start grading the 10 8 point questions Saturday.  As I grade them, I will put your exam grade in the comments when I return your 8 point questions in the submissions folder.  Once they are all graded (it will probably be Monday because in addition to grading these, I will be grading materials and answering questions and helping my CHEM 152 and 262 students in preparation for their Monday finals.) I will release the final grade to D2L and put the final course grade in the D2L gradebook as well.  Before I do that, you should be able to calculate your course grade by putting in your final exam score and looking at the grading scale in the syllabus.  I know many of you are anxious about/and to know your grades – that said, please see the next paragraph 🙂

About emailing me

For the next week as we wind up the semester, I’ll get a lot of email.  And I’m totally good with that – I enjoy working with and hearing from each of you and assisting you as you learn!  And I take questions about the course seriously.  But as I have four sections of students and get a lot of email volume at the end of the semester I prioritize them as I can’t get back to everyone quickly and complete grading.  So I will not answer emails in the order received, rather I will answer them in this order:

  1. Questions about chemistry course material that students need to understand concepts and prepare for finals come first.  They will move to the front of the line immediately.
  2. Questions calling my attention to any errors I made in grading (or possible errors) come next.
  3. I won’t look at emails asking me to round up grades or if any other work can be done to improve your grade until I’ve answered all the emails above and completed all of my grading for all my courses.  This allows me to get grades back to everyone as soon as possible! Also, in most cases, the answer will be no.
  4. I will ignore emails asking when items will be graded or final grades will be posted. The college deadline is Wed 12/16 by 8am but I hope to beat that.  I know you want to know your grades, and I want to complete them too!  Rest assured I’m doing it as quickly as I can, while taking breaks to answer student questions.  Again, this allows me to get grades back to all of you as quickly as possible!

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exam.

Reminders for the exam are:

  1. You can take it on D2L at anytime between 8am and 11:59 pm on Friday , Dec 11, 2020 – must be completed online by 11:59 pm on Friday, December 11, 2020.  Once you start you will only have 120 minutes (timer cannot be paused) so make sure you have two hours when you will not be interrupted.
  2. You are allowed 120 minutes and only 1 submission 
  3. You are not allowed to open it multiple times, like the chapter quizzes.
  4. Choose a time to take it when you will not be interrupted, as the clock begins ticking as soon as you open it.
  5. Please keep track of the time counting down on your screen.  You will be flagged with 5 minutes left and the computer will not allow you save any more answers once the timer runs out.
  6. You are allowed to work backwards.  Some of you might consider starting with the 8-pt questions so that you have enough time and then finish with the multiple choice questions
  7. There are 30 Multiple Choice Questions (4 pts each) and ten 8-pt questions
  8. You will also be asked to submit your work for the 8 point questions in a separate folder in the assignments tab (similar to the way you submit quizzes).
  9. For the 8 pt questions, you must submit to me your work detailed on a sheet of paper in order to receive full credit (You will type the final answer in the box of the exam to be graded, but I need to see the accompanying work so that I can reward appropriate points).
  10. You can simply take a picture with your phone, as long as I am able to view your work clearly.
  11. The picture needs to be uploaded immediately after submitting your exam into a drop box that you will find on D2L(Assessments tab, Assignments, Final Exam Submissions).
  12. You must upload your work to the 8-pt questions for credit.  Even if you have the correct answer, you will not receive full credit if I cannot follow your work (or you are missing units, sig figs, do not show the equation you are using).  Be thorough.  I do not need to see your work for the multiple choice questions.
  13. Submissions must be made to the Submissions folder.  Do not email your work to me.
  14. Submissions must be made within 10 minutes of completing your exam.  Note that I am able to see what time you complete your exam and what time you upload your submission
  15. Be sure that your answer on paper matches the answer that you type into the computer.  Be sure to include units and be conscious of sig figs
  16. You will be able to use your own periodic table for the exam and obviously will have access to other supporting materials.  Be careful, as that can become a “crutch.”  I worry that you might end up spending too much time flipping through subsequent materials and whittle away the time on the clock if you are not well-prepared.

Reminders for end of Unit 5

The Unit 5 exam is Monday, Dec 7.  Reminders for the exam are:

  1. Exam covers Chapters 11 (Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and Solids) and 13 (Properties of Solutions)
  2. You can take it on D2L at anytime between 8am and 11:59 pm on Monday , Dec 7, 2020 – must be completed online by 11:59 pm on Monday, December 7, 2020.  Once you start you will only have 60 minutes (timer cannot be paused) so make sure you have an hour when you will not be interrupted.
  3. You are allowed 60 minutes and only 1 submission 
  4. You are not allowed to open it multiple times, like the chapter quizzes.
  5. Choose a time to take it when you will not be interrupted, as the clock begins ticking as soon as you open it.
  6. Please keep track of the time counting down on your screen.  You will be flagged with 5 minutes left and the computer will not allow you save any more answers once the 60-minute timer runs out.
  7. You are allowed to work backwards.  Some of you might consider starting with the 8-pt questions so that you have enough time and then finish with the multiple choice questions
  8. There are 15 Multiple Choice Questions (4 pts each) and five 8-pt questions
  9. You will also be asked to submit your work for the 8 point questions in a separate folder in the assignments tab (similar to the way you submit quizzes).
  10. For the 8 pt questions, you must submit to me your work detailed on a sheet of paper in order to receive full credit (You will type the final answer in the box of the exam to be graded, but I need to see the accompanying work so that I can reward appropriate points).
  11. You can simply take a picture with your phone, as long as I am able to view your work clearly.
  12. The picture needs to be uploaded immediately after submitting your exam into a drop box that you will find on D2L(Assessments tab, Assignments, Exam 5 Submissions).
  13. You must upload your work to the 8-pt questions for credit.  Even if you have the correct answer, you will not receive full credit if I cannot follow your work (or you are missing units, sig figs, do not show the equation you are using).  Be thorough.  I do not need to see your work for the multiple choice questions.
  14. Submissions must be made to the Submissions folder.  Do not email your work to me.
  15. Submissions must be made within 10 minutes of completing your exam.  Note that I am able to see what time you complete your exam and what time you upload your submission
  16. Be sure that your answer on paper matches the answer that you type into the computer.  Be sure to include units and be conscious of sig figs
  17. Exam practice resources include – paper practice exam (will give you a good idea of length and level of difficulty – the questions will not be the same ones as the exam questions) and practice quizzes (with answers) available in the unit 5 folder on D2L
  18. You will be able to use your own periodic table for the exam and obviously will have access to other supporting materials.  Be careful, as that can become a “crutch.”  I worry that you might end up spending too much time flipping through subsequent materials and whittle away the time on the clock if you are not well-prepared.

Reminders for items due Sunday 12/6

  1. The Chapter 11 and 13 quiz is posted on D2L like all the other quizzes this semester.  It is due Sunday 12/6
  2. MyLabsPlus on acids and bases will be due Sunday 12/6.

After the exam, there is one assignment/exam left – the course final exam on Friday 12/11.  It will be similar (in format and the way it is given) to the Unit exams.  I will post more information about the final Exam by Monday.

The deadlines for Unit 5 are all listed on the Course Schedule 

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exam.


Reminders for week of Nov 21-27

Hi everyone!

Here are some reminders for the following week:

The Unit 4 exam is Monday, Nov 23.  Reminders for the exam are:

  1. Exam covers Chapters 15 (Equilibrium) and 16 (Acids and Bases)
  2. You can take it on D2L at anytime between 8am and 11:59 pm on Monday Nov 23, 2020 – must be completed online by 11:59 pm on Monday, November 23, 2020.  Once you start you will only have 60 minutes (timer cannot be paused) so make sure you have an hour when you will not be interrupted.
  3. You are allowed 60 minutes and only 1 submission 
  4. You are not allowed to open it multiple times, like the chapter quizzes.
  5. Choose a time to take it when you will not be interrupted, as the clock begins ticking as soon as you open it.
  6. Please keep track of the time counting down on your screen.  You will be flagged with 5 minutes left and the computer will not allow you save any more answers once the 60-minute timer runs out.
  7. You are allowed to work backwards.  Some of you might consider starting with the 8-pt questions so that you have enough time and then finish with the multiple choice questions
  8. There are 15 Multiple Choice Questions (4 pts each) and five 8-pt questions
  9. You will also be asked to submit your work for the 8 point questions in a separate folder in the assignments tab (similar to the way you submit quizzes).
  10. For the 8 pt questions, you must submit to me your work detailed on a sheet of paper in order to receive full credit (You will type the final answer in the box of the exam to be graded, but I need to see the accompanying work so that I can reward appropriate points).
  11. You can simply take a picture with your phone, as long as I am able to view your work clearly.
  12. The picture needs to be uploaded immediately after submitting your exam into a drop box that you will find on D2L(Assessments tab, Assignments, Exam 4 Submissions).
  13. You must upload your work to the 8-pt questions for credit.  Even if you have the correct answer, you will not receive full credit if I cannot follow your work (or you are missing units, sig figs, do not show the equation you are using).  Be thorough.  I do not need to see your work for the multiple choice questions.
  14. Submissions must be made to the Submissions folder.  Do not email your work to me.
  15. Submissions must be made within 10 minutes of completing your exam.  Note that I am able to see what time you complete your exam and what time you upload your submission
  16. Be sure that your answer on paper matches the answer that you type into the computer.  Be sure to include units and be conscious of sig figs
  17. Exam practice resources include – paper practice exam (will give you a good idea of length and level of difficulty – the questions will not be the same ones as the exam questions) and practice quizzes (with answers) available in the unit 4 folder on D2L
  18. You will be able to use your own periodic table for the exam and obviously will have access to other supporting materials.  Be careful, as that can become a “crutch.”  I worry that you might end up spending too much time flipping through subsequent materials and whittle away the time on the clock if you are not well-prepared.

Reminders for items due Sunday 11/22

  1. The Chapter 15 and 16 quiz is posted on D2L like all the other quizzes this semester.  It is due Sunday 11/22
  2. MyLabsPlus on acids and bases will be due Sunday 11/22.

After the exam, there is one more unit in the class – Unit 5.  It will cover two topics – Liquids and Solids and Properties of Solutions.

The deadlines for Unit 5 are all listed on the Course Schedule 

Best wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exam.





Other reminders:  MyLabsPlus for chapters 8 and 9 and quiz for chapters 8 and 9 due Sunday 11/1 at 11:59 pm.





Reminders for week of Nov 13-Nov 20

Hi everyone!

I hope that the topic of equilibrium went well with Prof. Monique Lapinski’s materials and that you are progressing on the topic of acids and bases as well.  I appreciate the patience and kind notes and words from all of you following my absence for the death in my family.

I will continue to send out reminders by email but will also post periodic reminders here — whenever I post a new one here I will email it (and vice-versa) so you can check either place.

Here are some reminders for the following week:

  1. Deadlines for Unit 4 are all listed on the Course Schedule 
  2. The lecture notes for the topic of acids and bases are 80+% complete, with more coming this weekend.
  3. The Chapter 15 and 16 quiz will be posted by Monday evening on D2L like all the other quizzes this semester.  It will be due Sunday 11/22
  4. MyLabsPlus on acids and bases will be due Sunday 11/22.
  5. The unit 4 exam, covering equilibrium and acids and bases, will be Monday 11/23.
  6. There are resources available (in addition to the text and lecture notes) on the course D2L site in the Unit 3 folder.

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exam.
