Bruce’s Notes – Chemical Formulas and Nomenclature


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CHEM 151 Formula and Nomenclature

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Common elements and their symbols

You are not expected to know the names and symbols of all the elements on the periodic table, but you are expected to know the names, symbols, and correct spelling of the elements that are most commonly encountered (either in their pure form or as parts of compounds).  These elements are listed below.  Knowing these will make it much easier to name and recognize formulas of compounds, which will be covered next.

Table of common elements and their symbols

hydrogen H
helium He
lithium Li
boron B
carbon C
nitrogen N
oxygen O
Fluorine (NOT Flourine) F
neon Ne
sodium Na
magnesium Mg
aluminum Al
silicon Si
phosphorus (ends in us, not -ous) P
sulfur S
chlorine (not clorine) Cl
argon Ar
potassium K
calcium Ca
chromium Cr
manganese Mn
iron Fe
cobalt Co
nickel Ni
copper Cu
zinc Zn
bromine Br
strontium Sr
palladium Pd
silver Ag
tin Sn
iodine I
barium Ba
platinum Pt
gold Au
mercury Hg
lead Pb
uranium U

Naming Compounds

Compounds are pure substances that contain more than one element. Different classes of compounds that you will learn about in this course have different rules for naming.  Right now, the rules might not make sense but as you progress through the course they will make more sense.  Learning the rules now will help you better identify names and compounds throughout the course.  It will also make it easier for you to learn and understand concepts and differences about the different classes of compounds you will encounter in chemistry and much of science.

Sections 1 and 2. Binary Compounds

The first class of compounds we will look at are binary compounds.  The number two is associated with the word binary, and binary compounds are compounds that contain two elements.

Before you can properly name binary (or any other types) of compounds, you must understand that elements are divided into two major categories: metals and non-metals.

Figure 2.26 in OpenStax Chemistry 2e illustrates the difference between the metals and non-metals (see the color coding next to the table).

The Periodic Table of Elements is shown. The 18 columns are labeled “Group” and the 7 rows are labeled “Period.” Below the table to the right is a box labeled “Color Code” with different colors for metals, metalloids, and nonmetals, as well as solids, liquids, and gases. To the left of this box is an enlarged picture of the upper-left most box on the table. The number 1 is in its upper-left hand corner and is labeled “Atomic number.” The letter “H” is in the middle in red indicating that it is a gas. It is labeled “Symbol.” Below that is the number 1.008 which is labeled “Atomic Mass.” Below that is the word hydrogen which is labeled “name.” The color of the box indicates that it is a nonmetal. Each element will be described in this order: atomic number; name; symbol; whether it is a metal, metalloid, or nonmetal; whether it is a solid, liquid, or gas; and atomic mass. Beginning at the top left of the table, or period 1, group 1, is a box containing “1; hydrogen; H; nonmetal; gas; and 1.008.” There is only one other element box in period 1, group 18, which contains “2; helium; H e; nonmetal; gas; and 4.003.” Period 2, group 1 contains “3; lithium; L i; metal; solid; and 6.94” Group 2 contains “4; beryllium; B e; metal; solid; and 9.012.” Groups 3 through 12 are skipped and group 13 contains “5; boron; B; metalloid; solid; 10.81.” Group 14 contains “6; carbon; C; nonmetal; solid; and 12.01.” Group 15 contains “7; nitrogen; N; nonmetal; gas; and 14.01.” Group 16 contains “8; oxygen; O; nonmetal; gas; and 16.00.” Group 17 contains “9; fluorine; F; nonmetal; gas; and 19.00.” Group 18 contains “10; neon; N e; nonmetal; gas; and 20.18.” Period 3, group 1 contains “11; sodium; N a; metal; solid; and 22.99.” Group 2 contains “12; magnesium; M g; metal; solid; and 24.31.” Groups 3 through 12 are skipped again in period 3 and group 13 contains “13; aluminum; A l; metal; solid; and 26.98.” Group 14 contains “14; silicon; S i; metalloid; solid; and 28.09.” Group 15 contains “15; phosphorous; P; nonmetal; solid; and 30.97.” Group 16 contains “16; sulfur; S; nonmetal; solid; and 32.06.” Group 17 contains “17; chlorine; C l; nonmetal; gas; and 35.45.” Group 18 contains “18; argon; A r; nonmetal; gas; and 39.95.” Period 4, group 1 contains “19; potassium; K; metal; solid; and 39.10.” Group 2 contains “20; calcium; C a; metal; solid; and 40.08.” Group 3 contains “21; scandium; S c; metal; solid; and 44.96.” Group 4 contains “22; titanium; T i; metal; solid; and 47.87.” Group 5 contains “23; vanadium; V; metal; solid; and 50.94.” Group 6 contains “24; chromium; C r; metal; solid; and 52.00.” Group 7 contains “25; manganese; M n; metal; solid; and 54.94.” Group 8 contains “26; iron; F e; metal; solid; and 55.85.” Group 9 contains “27; cobalt; C o; metal; solid; and 58.93.” Group 10 contains “28; nickel; N i; metal; solid; and 58.69.” Group 11 contains “29; copper; C u; metal; solid; and 63.55.” Group 12 contains “30; zinc; Z n; metal; solid; and 65.38.” Group 13 contains “31; gallium; G a; metal; solid; and 69.72.” Group 14 contains “32; germanium; G e; metalloid; solid; and 72.63.” Group 15 contains “33; arsenic; A s; metalloid; solid; and 74.92.” Group 16 contains “34; selenium; S e; nonmetal; solid; and 78.97.” Group 17 contains “35; bromine; B r; nonmetal; liquid; and 79.90.” Group 18 contains “36; krypton; K r; nonmetal; gas; and 83.80.” Period 5, group 1 contains “37; rubidium; R b; metal; solid; and 85.47.” Group 2 contains “38; strontium; S r; metal; solid; and 87.62.” Group 3 contains “39; yttrium; Y; metal; solid; and 88.91.” Group 4 contains “40; zirconium; Z r; metal; solid; and 91.22.” Group 5 contains “41; niobium; N b; metal; solid; and 92.91.” Group 6 contains “42; molybdenum; M o; metal; solid; and 95.95.” Group 7 contains “43; technetium; T c; metal; solid; and 97.” Group 8 contains “44; ruthenium; R u; metal; solid; and 101.1.” Group 9 contains “45; rhodium; R h; metal; solid; and 102.9.” Group 10 contains “46; palladium; P d; metal; solid; and 106.4.” Group 11 contains “47; silver; A g; metal; solid; and 107.9.” Group 12 contains “48; cadmium; C d; metal; solid; and 112.4.” Group 13 contains “49; indium; I n; metal; solid; and 114.8.” Group 14 contains “50; tin; S n; metal; solid; and 118.7.” Group 15 contains “51; antimony; S b; metalloid; solid; and 121.8.” Group 16 contains “52; tellurium; T e; metalloid; solid; and 127.6.” Group 17 contains “53; iodine; I; nonmetal; solid; and 126.9.” Group 18 contains “54; xenon; X e; nonmetal; gas; and 131.3.” Period 6, group 1 contains “55; cesium; C s; metal; solid; and 132.9.” Group 2 contains “56; barium; B a; metal; solid; and 137.3.” Group 3 breaks the pattern. The box has a large arrow pointing to a row of elements below the table with atomic numbers ranging from 57-71. In sequential order by atomic number, the first box in this row contains “57; lanthanum; L a; metal; solid; and 138.9.” To its right, the next is “58; cerium; C e; metal; solid; and 140.1.” Next is “59; praseodymium; P r; metal; solid; and 140.9.” Next is “60; neodymium; N d; metal; solid; and 144.2.” Next is “61; promethium; P m; metal; solid; and 145.” Next is “62; samarium; S m; metal; solid; and 150.4.” Next is “63; europium; E u; metal; solid; and 152.0.” Next is “64; gadolinium; G d; metal; solid; and 157.3.” Next is “65; terbium; T b; metal; solid; and 158.9.” Next is “66; dysprosium; D y; metal; solid; and 162.5.” Next is “67; holmium; H o; metal; solid; and 164.9.” Next is “68; erbium; E r; metal; solid; and 167.3.” Next is “69; thulium; T m; metal; solid; and 168.9.” Next is “70; ytterbium; Y b; metal; solid; and 173.1.” The last in this special row is “71; lutetium; L u; metal; solid; and 175.0.” Continuing in period 6, group 4 contains “72; hafnium; H f; metal; solid; and 178.5.” Group 5 contains “73; tantalum; T a; metal; solid; and 180.9.” Group 6 contains “74; tungsten; W; metal; solid; and 183.8.” Group 7 contains “75; rhenium; R e; metal; solid; and 186.2.” Group 8 contains “76; osmium; O s; metal; solid; and 190.2.” Group 9 contains “77; iridium; I r; metal; solid; and 192.2.” Group 10 contains “78; platinum; P t; metal; solid; and 195.1.” Group 11 contains “79; gold; A u; metal; solid; and 197.0.” Group 12 contains “80; mercury; H g; metal; liquid; and 200.6.” Group 13 contains “81; thallium; T l; metal; solid; and 204.4.” Group 14 contains “82; lead; P b; metal; solid; and 207.2.” Group 15 contains “83; bismuth; B i; metal; solid; and 209.0.” Group 16 contains “84; polonium; P o; metal; solid; and 209.” Group 17 contains “85; astatine; A t; metalloid; solid; and 210.” Group 18 contains “86; radon; R n; nonmetal; gas; and 222.” Period 7, group 1 contains “87; francium; F r; metal; solid; and 223.” Group 2 contains “88; radium; R a; metal; solid; and 226.” Group 3 breaks the pattern much like what occurs in period 6. A large arrow points from the box in period 7, group 3 to a special row containing the elements with atomic numbers ranging from 89-103, just below the row which contains atomic numbers 57-71. In sequential order by atomic number, the first box in this row contains “89; actinium; A c; metal; solid; and 227.” To its right, the next is “90; thorium; T h; metal; solid; and 232.0.” Next is “91; protactinium; P a; metal; solid; and 231.0.” Next is “92; uranium; U; metal; solid; and 238.0.” Next is “93; neptunium; N p; metal; solid; and N p.” Next is “94; plutonium; P u; metal; solid; and 244.” Next is “95; americium; A m; metal; solid; and 243.” Next is “96; curium; C m; metal; solid; and 247.” Next is “97; berkelium; B k; metal; solid; and 247.” Next is “98; californium; C f; metal; solid; and 251.” Next is “99; einsteinium; E s; metal; solid; and 252.” Next is “100; fermium; F m; metal; solid; and 257.” Next is “101; mendelevium; M d; metal; solid; and 258.” Next is “102; nobelium; N o; metal; solid; and 259.” The last in this special row is “103; lawrencium; L r; metal; solid; and 262.” Continuing in period 7, group 4 contains “104; rutherfordium; R f; metal; solid; and 267.” Group 5 contains “105; dubnium; D b; metal; solid; and 270.” Group 6 contains “106; seaborgium; S g; metal; solid; and 271.” Group 7 contains “107; bohrium; B h; metal; solid; and 270.” Group 8 contains “108; hassium; H s; metal; solid; and 277.” Group 9 contains “109; meitnerium; M t; not indicated; solid; and 276.” Group 10 contains “110; darmstadtium; D s; not indicated; solid; and 281.” Group 11 contains “111; roentgenium; R g; not indicated; solid; and 282.” Group 12 contains “112; copernicium; C n; metal; liquid; and 285.” Group 13 contains “113; ununtrium; U u t; not indicated; solid; and 285.” Group 14 contains “114; flerovium; F l; not indicated; solid; and 289.” Group 15 contains “115; ununpentium; U u p; not indicated; solid; and 288.” Group 16 contains “116; livermorium; L v; not indicated; solid; and 293.” Group 17 contains “117; ununseptium; U u s; not indicated; solid; and 294.” Group 18 contains “118; ununoctium; U u o; not indicated; solid; and 294.”

The metalloids (in purple)are between the metals and nonmetals and have properties of both.  The only metalloid you will be responsible for in naming is Si, which you can consider to be a nonmetal.

Binary compounds can either be made of of two nonmetal elements or one metal and one nonmetal element (there are no binary compounds made up of two metals).  The rules for naming them are different (as shown in the next two sections) because the way they are formed and bonded are different (as you will learn later in the course).

Section 1. Binary Compounds Composed of Two Nonmetals

Binary compounds composed of two nonmetals are named using the elemental name for the first element followed by the name of the second element with its ending changed to “IDE“. Two examples of binary compounds that you very likely have heard of are:

CO – carbon monoxide

CO2 – carbon dioxide

In binary compounds with two nonmetals, different amounts of the first element can be in a compound with different amounts of the second element.  A molecule of carbon monoxide contains one carbon atom and one oxygen atom (1:1 ratio).  A molecule of carbon dioxide contains one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms (1:2 ratio).  For that reason, to differentiate between the various compounds a prefix is added to indicate the number of atoms of each element in the molecule.

Table Listing the Proper Prefix for a Given Numbers of Atoms
Number of atoms in formula Prefix
1 mono
2 di
3 tri
4 tetra
5 penta
6 hexa
7 hepta
8 octa
9 nona
10 deca



  1. Since S and F are both nonmetal elements, the naming rules in this section are used.
  2. Use the elemental name for the first element S: sulfur
  3. since there are two sulfur atoms, the prefix is di: disulfur
  4. The root of the second element name “fluor” from fluorine is followed by ide: fluoride
  5. Since there are ten F atoms, the prefix is deca: decafluoride.
  6. The name for S2F10 is disulfur decafluoride

There are two idiosyncancies or minor exceptions to these naming rules:

  1. The mono prefix is eliminated if it refers to the first element in the name.  If you think about it, you are probably already aware of this.  Most students have heard of the compound carbon dioxide, CO2. I suspect you have heard of it as well.But you probably have not heard of “monocarbon dioxide”  – that’s because the initial mono is not included.

2. For oxides, the prefixes ending in “a” and “o” omit the last vowels, to avoid having two consecutive vowels.  There is a familiar example to help you remember this as well: CO is carbon monoxide, not carbon monooxide.  Another example is N2O4: dinitrogen tetroxide, not dinitrogen tetraoxide.

Note that the “i” in di and tri would not be eliminated in oxides – as you know, CO2 is carbon dioxide (not carbon doxide)

Here are more examples:

Formula Name
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
CO carbon monoxide
P4O10 tetraphosphorus decoxide
CS2 carbon disulfide

As discussed earlier, the “a” in decoxide and “o” in monoxide are omitted.  Note that the “i” in di and tri would not be eliminated in oxides

Practice – Binary Compounds Composed of Two Nonmetals

Drill 1.1

Please name the following compounds. Correct spelling is required.

  1. SO2
  2. CCl4
  3. P2O5
  4. ClO
  5. ICl
  6. SF6
Drill 1.2

Please write the correct chemical formulas.

  1. dichlorine heptoxide:
  2. dinitrogen pentoxide:
  3. oxygen difluoride:
  4.  phosphorus pentachloride:

Link to answers to drills


Section 2. Binary Salts (Compounds Composed of a Metal and a Nonmetal)

These compounds are named differently than binary compounds because they are fundamentally different on how the elements combine to make the compounds.  Here are some examples of how they are named differently:

ICl (binary with two nonmetals) is iodine monochloride, but NaCl (made up of the metal sodium and the nonmetal chlorine) is sodium chloride (NOT sodium monochloride)

SCl2 (binary with two nonmetals) is sulfur dichloride, but CaCl2 (made up of the metal calcium and the nonmetal chlorine) is calcium chloride (NOT calcium dichloride).

As shown above, prefixes like mono-, di- and tri- are NOT used in binary compounds made up of a metal and a nonmetal.  Next, we will look at how these compounds are different, how we know the ratio of elements without the prefixes, and more about these compounds.

Covalent and Ionic Bonding in compounds

We are working a little ahead – the concept of covalent and ionic bonding will be studied later in the course.  But we’ll start with the basics now so you have a little background for these two types of compounds, at least as they pertain to binary compounds.

Compounds consisting of all nonmetals (like the ones studied in the previous section) are covalently bonded and exist as molecules.   For example, a molecule of carbon dioxide, CO2, consists of one C atom and two O atoms.  The smallest amount of carbon dioxide possible is one molecule consisting of three atoms (one carbon and two oxygen).  If you had a tank filled with CO2, it would be filled with a large number of these molecules, each separate from each other.

Ionic compounds are different.  Rather than existing as separate molecules, they typically exist in repeating structures called crystal lattices.  For example, cesium chloride (CsCl) consists of a repeating structure with a ratio of one Cs to one Cl.  It does not exist as separate molecules, each with one Cs atom and one Cl atom.  Figure 10.59 in OpenStax illustrates this (See the figure to the right):


Three images are shown. The first image shows a cube with black dots at each corner and a red dot in the center. This cube is stacked with seven others that are not colored to form a larger cube. The second image is composed of eight spheres that are grouped together to form a cube with one smaller sphere in the center. The name under this image reads “simple cubic structure.” The third image shows five horizontal layers of purple spheres with layers of smaller green spheres in between.

The structure of CaCl2 would be a similarly repeating structure, except with a 1:2 ratio of Ca to Cl.  Metals only pair with nonmetals in certain ratios (Ca and Cl only pair 1:2, for example), so prefixes are not needed or used.  So how do we know the ratio?  We will look at that next.

The metals and nonmetals in binary salts are ions.

An ion is an atom with a charge (to learn more about atoms and ions, go to this section of the course: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions).  The metal has a positive charge and is called a cation, while the nonmetal has a negative charge and is called an anion.

The charge is listed as a superscript next to the element symbol as follows:

  • Na is a neutral (charge = 0)  sodium atom
  • Na+ is a sodium ion with a charge of +1
  • Ca is a neutral (charge = 0)  calcium atom
  • Ca2+ is a sodium ion with a charge of +2
  • O is a neutral (charge = 0)  oxygen atom
  • O2- is a sodium ion with a charge of -2

Different elements typically have different charges.  You should recognize and know that the elements ionic charges are the ones listed below.

Common cations (positive)
From Group 1 (first column) in the periodic table
Element symbol (including charge)
hydrogen H+
lithium Li+
sodium Na+
potassium K+
From Group 2 (second column) in the periodic table
Element symbol (including charge)
magnesium Mg2+
calcium Ca2+
strontium Sr2+
barium Ba2+
From Group 3 in the periodic table
Element symbol (including charge)
aluminum Al3+ 
Other common cations, not related to column in the periodic table

Unfortunately, these must be memorized.  Also, some elements (copper, iron, and others have more than one common ionic charge.  Roman Numerals as shown in the table below are used to distinguish metals that tend to form two or more common ions of different charge.

Element symbol (including charge)
Silver Ag+
copper(I) Cu1+
copper(II) Cu2+
iron(II) Fe2+
iron(III) Fe3+
mercury(I) Hg22+
mercury(II) Hg2+
lead(II) Pb2+
lead(IV) Pb4+
nickel Ni2+
tin(II) Sn2+
tin(IV) Sn4+
zinc Zn2+
Common anions (negative)

When looking at the tables below, you will see that there is an extra column in the anion tables with an ion name ending in “-ide”.  The anions have these names.

  • The name of a metal cation ion is generally the same as the name of the element.
  • Nonmetal ions are named by changing the ending of the element name to “ide“.

For example,

Na+ is the sodium ion (cations do not have the -ide name, while Cl is the chloride ion.

From Group 7 (next to right column) in the periodic table
Element symbol (including charge) Ion Name
fluorine F fluoride
chlorine Cl chloride
bromine Br bromide
iodine I iodide
From Group 6 (left of Group 7) in the periodic table
Element symbol (including charge) Ion Name
oxygen O2 oxide
sulfur S2 sulfide
From Group 5 (left of group 6) in the periodic table
Element symbol (including charge) Ion Name
nitrogen N3 nitride
phosphorus P3 phosphide
From Group 4(left of group 5) in the periodic table
Element symbol (including charge) Ion Name
carbon C4 carbide
And one more…..
Element symbol (including charge) Ion Name
hydrogen H hydride

Naming Binary Salts

In both name and formula, the metal cation always comes first.  Therefore, the binary salt compound made up of sodium and chlorine is:

NaCl.  The name is sodium chloride.  That is why the anions have the -ide name to their ending — NaCl (sodium chloride) is made up of the sodium ion (Na+) and the chloride ion (Cl).

NaCl is NOT ClNa or chlorine sodiumide.

Also, notice NaCl is sodium chloride.  It is NOT sodium monochloride.  That is because NaCl is the only binary compound made up of sodium and chlorine.  NaCl exists.  NaCl, NaCl2, Na2Cl,NaCl3,NaCl4, etc do not.  For that reason, using prefixes mono, di, tri, etc is unnecessary (and incorrect) for metal-nonmetal binary salts.

How then, do we know sodium chloride is NaCl and vice-versa?  Metal ions are combined with nonmetal ions such that the sum of the positive and negative charges is zero resulting in overall neutral compounds.  Let’s look at some examples:

Example 1:  Sodium chloride:

Consider the charges on the constituent elements’ ions.  Place the element with the positive charge first followed by the element with the negative charge.

The charge on the sodium ion is +1 and the charge on the chloride ion is 1.  Each sodium will cancel out each chlorine and NaCl will have a 1:1 ratio of cations to anions.

The correct formula for electrically neutral sodium chloride is therefore NaCl.

Example 2:  Magnesium chloride.
  • The charge on the magnesium ion is +2 and the charge on the chloride ion is 1.  Each magnesium ion will cancel out two chloride ions and there will be a 1:2 ratio of cations to anions.The correct formula for electrically neutral sodium chloride is therefore MgCl2.  It is NOT magnesium dichloride.
Mg2+ + 2Cl = MgCl2
+2 + 2(1) = 0


  Example 3:  Aluminum oxide.
  • The charge on the aluminum ion is 3+
  • The charge on the oxide ion is 2.

AlO cannot be the correct formula because +3 and +2 does not equal zero. However,

  • 2 aluminum ions (Al3+) would give a total of 6 positive units
  • 3 oxygen ions (O2-) would give 6 negative units.
2Al3+ 3O2― = Al2O3
2(+3) 3(2) = 0

The correct simplest formula for aluminum oxide is Al2O3.

More examples

Li3N – lithium nitride

KBr  –    potassium bromide

CaI2   –   calcium iodide

Practice – Binary Compounds Composed of Two Nonmetals

Drill 2.1

Please name the following compounds. Correct spelling is required.

  1. MgO
  2. K2S
  3. FeCl3
  4. AgI
  5. CaF2
  6. Ba3P2
  7. LiH
  8. Mg3N2
  9. SrBr2
  10. Cu2S
Drill 2.2

Please write the correct chemical formulas.

  1. calcium nitride
  2. aluminum oxide
  3. sodium sulfide
  4. potassium hydride
  5. tin(IV) bromide
  6. calcium phosphide
  7. potassium carbide
  8. barium hydride
  9. mercury(II) sulfide
  10. iron(II) iodide

Link to answers to drills


Table Listing Common Polyatomic Ions

NH4 ammonium CN cyanide OH hydroxide

Ternary salts are generally composed of a metal cation and an anion that consists of a group of nonmetals rather than just one.  These negatively charged anions are often called polyatomic ions.  Examples of polyatomic ions are given in Tables IV and V below.  In general, when the central atom of a polyatomic ion is bound to a higher number of oxygens, the ion name will end with “ate“.  If the central atom is bound to fewer oxygens, the ending will be “ite“.  To name ternary salts name the metal cation and then the anion.

TABLE 4: Common Polyatomic Ions

MnO4 Permanganate CO32 Carbonate PO43 Phosphate
C2H3O2 Acetate SO42 Sulfate CrO42 Chromate
NO3 Nitrate SO32 Sulfite Cr2O72 Dichromate
NO2 Nitrite S2O32 Thiosulfate C2O42 Oxalate

Table 5: Common Halogen Oxyacid Anions

ClO Hypochlorite BrO Hypobromite IO Hypoiodite
ClO2 chlorite BrO2 bromite IO2 iodite
ClO3 chlorate BrO3 bromate IO3 iodate
ClO4 Perchlorate BrO4 Perbromate IO4 Periodate



Examples of ternary compounds.

1 Na C2H3O2 = NaC2H3O2 Sodium acetate

The charge on the ions determines how they combine as a unit.

2 Na CO32 = Na2CO3 Sodium carbonate
2(+1) (2) = 0


Ca2 2 ClO2 = Ca(ClO2)­­2 Calcium chlorite
+2 2(1) = 0


2 Al3 3 SO42 = Al2(SO4)3 Aluminum sulfate
2(+3) 3(2) = 0

Parentheses are used when a polyatomic ion is factored more than once when combined to give a neutral compound.


Drill 3, Table 1: Please Name the Following Compounds. Give Careful Attention to the Endings

1. Ca3(PO4)2 2. KNO3
3. BaCO3 4. LiBrO2
5. SrSO3 6. Mg(IO4)2
7. Na2S2O3 8. Cu(C2H3O2)2
9. KMnO4 10. K3PO4  
11. Na2CrO4 12. Fe(BrO)3
13. AgClO3 14. SnSO4
15. Na2Cr2O7 16. CuNO2
17. Al(ClO2)3 18. Ca(IO)2
19. Ba(BrO4)2 20. Li2CO3

Drill 3, Table 2: Please Write Formulas for the Following Compounds.

1. lithium thiosulfate 2. tin(II) nitrate
3. sodium carbonate 4. ammonium sulfate
5. strontium phosphate 6. mercury(I) chloride
7. copper(II) phosphate 8. potassium dichromate
9. magnesium chlorate 10. lithium acetate


Please thoroughly master the above section before proceeding.



Water solutions of compounds composed of hydrogen and a nonmetal


Rule:  Acids composed of hydrogen and nonmetals are named by putting the prefix Hydro before the root of the name of the nonmetal and adding the suffix –ic acid.


              For example: Hydrogen chloride (HCl) dissolved in water becomes hydrochloric acid.

HF(aq) Hydrofluoric acid
HC1(aq) Hydrochloric acid
HBr(aq) Hydrobromic acid
HI(aq) Hydroiodic acid
H2S(aq) Hydrosulfuric acid



NOTE:  The formulas of binary acids must be followed by (aq) meaning aqueous. This signifies that the binary acid is dissolved in water. The binary acids exist as gasses when not dissolved in water. For example, HBr is hydrogen bromide gas if not aqueous (aq).


V. Ternary Acids Containing Oxygen

Compounds of hydrogen and a polyatomic ion



  1. If there is only one oxygen acid, the name is that of the characteristic element followed by the suffix ‑ic.
  2. If there are two oxygen acids, the name of the one with the larger number of oxygen atoms ends in –ic acid, and the name of the one with the smaller number of oxygen atoms ends in ‑ ous acid.
  3. If there are four oxygen acids, like the oxyacids of the halogen family, the acid with the greatest number of oxygens is designated by the prefix per‑ and suffix –ic acid, the one with the next fewer oxygens has the suffix –ic acid, the one with the next fewer has the suffix –ous acid and the acid with the fewest oxygens is designated with the prefix hypo and the suffix –ous acid.

Table Listing Some Common Ternary Oxyacids with Names     

HNO3    nitric acid HNO2 nitrous acid
H2SO4 sulfuric acid H2SO3 Sulfurous acid
HBrO4 perbromic acid HBrO3 bromic acid
HBrO2 bromous acid HBrO hypobromous acid


     NOTE:  Ternary acid formulas are not usually followed by (aq).  It is assumed that they are dissolved in water.




When one or more hydrogens of an acid is replaced by a metal, the result is an acid salt.  We have already encountered salts which result from the replacement of all of the available hydrogens in the acid.  However, if the metal replaces only one or two of the available number of hydrogen ions from an acid, provision must be made to distinguish between the different salts that may be formed.

Table Listing Some Common Acid Salts with Names

H3PO4 Phosphoric acid
KH2PO4 potassium Dihydrogen phosphate
K2HPO4 potassium Monohydrogen phosphate
K3PO4 potassium phosphate

If the acid contains two hydrogens, then only two different salts are possible. The salts derived from these acids can be named by the method just described. However, a common method using the prefix bi is still used widely and one should be familiar with this usage as well.

Table Listing Acid Salts of Carbonic Acid and Common Bicarbonate Usage


H2CO3 carbonic acid
KHCO3 potassium Monohydrogen carbonate or potassium bicarbonate
K2CO3 potassium carbonate

Drill 4, Table 1: Please Name the Following Compounds. Give Careful Attention to the Endings


1. H2S (aq) 2. K2HPO4
3. HC2H3O2 4. HBrO
5. H3PO4 6. NaHCO3
7. HIO3 8. HBrO2

Drill 4, Table 2: Please Write Chemical Formulas for the Following Compounds.

1. magnesium monohydrogen phosphate
2. potassium monohydrogen sulfite
3. perbromic acid
4. sodium monohydrogen sulfate
5. iodous acid
6. chloric acid


Please thoroughly master the previous section before proceeding to the next.




        Elements existing naturally as diatomic molecules are designated by adding the word “molecular” preceding the element name.  

Table Listing the Naturally Occurring Diatomic Molecules


H2 molecular hydrogen N2 molecular nitrogen
O2 molecular oxygen F2 molecular fluorine
Cl2 molecular chlorine Br2 molecular bromine
I2 molecular iodine  



Ionic compounds having water molecules bonded loosely within the crystal


Some ionic compounds exist with definite numbers of water molecules bonded loosely within the crystal.  These compounds are called hydrates and the waters are referred to as waters of hydration.  In naming a specific hydrate, first name the ionic compound then specify the number of waters with the appropriate prefix and then add the term “hydrate.” 

For example, CuSO4 • 5H20 indicates five waters of hydration per copper or sulfate ion.  This compound is named copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate. An alternate system uses a number rather than a prefix & would name this compound copper (II) sulfate 5-hydrate.

IX. Practice Quiz

Practice Quiz, Table 1: Please name of each of the following.

1. KCl
2. Na2CO3
3. CCl4
4. PBr3
5. LiNO2
6. HBr(aq)
7. KIO4
8. H2SO4
9. HBrO3
10. NaH2PO4
11. Na2SO4 • 2H20



Practice Quiz, Table 2: Please Write Chemical Formulas for the Following Compounds.

1. sodium oxalate
2. iron(II) phosphate
3. dinitrogen monoxide
4. potassium permanganate
5. barium hypochorite
6. oxalic acid
7. molecular oxygen
8. chloric acid
9. ammonium sulfate
10. magnesium cyanide
11. iron(II) sulfate tetrahydrate



