Quiz 1 and Quiz 2

There was some confusion on Quiz 1 – this is understandable for a few reasons:

  1. It is an online course and it is difficult to navigate online courses early in the semester, especially when different teachers organize their courses differently (even when they do so for good reasons that make sense for their courses)
  2. D2L has a column called “quizzes” that has not been used in this class for quizzes, but has been for supplemental homework problems

But quiz 1 was not posted in D2L, mainly because I wanted you to have a pencil and paper quiz that I could grade for partial credit and write comments on, rather than having D2L grade.  The quiz was posted under Unit 1 in the menu of this course website.  Or at this link.  This was explained in a reminder posted last Friday here:


If you missed this reminder or didn’t ask me about the quiz you likely missed it.  If you did, know that you weren’t alone — a number of your classmates did too (and several of you emailed me about it today).  Again, I totally get that it is difficult to navigate online courses early in the semester, especially with all online courses and Covid.

For these reasons, I will accept  Quiz 1 through the end of this week.  Please follow the instructions at the link to complete it.  If you decide not to, please remember that you do get to drop 2 quizzes this semester.

Quiz 2 is also available.  It is also under Unit 1 in the menu of this course website.  It is due 2/3/21.  It will not be on D2L.

I will continue to post weekly updates and reminders at this link late every week (usually on Friday) and will send emails and D2L announcements letting you know they have been posted and with links to them.

Thanks for your efforts and questions as we have been getting started this semester – I understand it can be tough getting oriented in an online class and appreciate your efforts and work as we get this semester going.

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