Reminders and Updates for Week of Jan 31-Feb 6

Here are some reminders and updates in the course for the week of Jan 31 – Feb 6:

Quiz 1 (available here)

If you missed it, please read my previous post about this quiz now.

Thanks to all of you who have turned it in (both by the original deadline and today). This quiz can be turned in until Sunday, Jan 31 at 11:59 pm.

In my email replies to some of you I indicated that I had sent an email link and D2L announcement link to the reminder posting with directions for the quiz – in searching for those I failed to find them, which means they didn’t go out!  No wonder a lot of you weren’t aware!  For some reason, they failed to most – most likely I failed to hit send or post after writing them.  I apologize for the confusion that caused.  At this point, hopefully it is clear to you where the quizzes are posted – if not feel free to  ask.  The remaining quizzes (2-6) will, like quiz 1, be accessible on the course website buy clicking on the menu under each unit – either the pull down menu at the top or the menu on the right side.

Quiz 2

It is available on the website in the menu right after Quiz 1. The setup and submission will be similar to quiz 1. It will be due Feb 4 (note date change from original Feb 3.).

Supplemental D2L graded HW – Acid Base Review and Titrations

I will ensure your final grades for these two homework assignments are checked and available by the end of day Monday

Supplemental D2L graded HW – Solubility Equilibria

The last topic in Unit 1 is Solubility Equilibria.  I am working on finalizing the supplemental HW questions on that now and they will be finalized and posted today or tomorrow at the latest.  Since they have been delayed, the new deadline will be Thurs 2/4.  You can begin studying this material, and doing the ungraded homework for practice now (if you haven’t already).

Unit 1 Exam

The Unit 1 exam will cover the topics of

  • Acid Base Review
  • Common Ion and Buffer Solutions
  • Acid-Base Titrations
  • Solubility Equilibria

The exam will be available Friday Feb 5 at 8 am and must be completed by Monday Feb 8 at 11:59 pm.  You can access it on D2L by clicking  Assessments then Quizzes. (D2L calls anything it grades automatically a “quiz” – including graded homework or exams).

Even though you have a four day window in which to take it (which hopefully will give you some flexibility), it will be timed with a 2 hour limit.  You must complete it in one 2 hour sitting, so arrange to take it when you have 2 hours and will not be interrupted.

If you took CHEM 151 online at LCC, you likely remember having to submit your work for the 8 point questions in a submissions folder in D2L after taking the exam.  The 152 exams are set up differently and you will not be required to do this.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, don’t worry about it!

There are resources for study and review (including review questions and a practice exam) in addition to the lecture notes and text.   Click here for a list of additional study and review resources for Unit 1.

Let me know if you have questions, and I hope you have a good weekend.


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