Mid-Unit 2 Feb 24 updates

As you wind up your study of Chemical Kinetics and you begin Nuclear Chemistry, I hope all is progressing well!  Let me know if you have questions, difficulties, or concerns.

Here are some reminders and updates in the course for this week:

Chemical Kinetics Supplementary Homework

Due tonight (2/24) at 11:59 PM

Quiz 3

Due tonight (2/24) at 11:59 PM

Next topic – Nuclear Chemistry

Please begin your next topic (Nuclear Chemistry) with the Bruce’s Notes and the suggested reading.  At the time I am writing this (11:15 AM on 2/24) the website homework on nuclear chemistry is still incomplete (but there is definitely enough to get you started).  I hope to have it completed this evening (there will certainly be more added by that point).  If not, it will be finalized by Friday.  The supplemental homework on D2L for nuclear chemistry will be available by Friday as well (or Saturday at the latest)

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