End of Week 1 Reminders

Congratulations on making it through your first week in CHEM 152! It’s never easy to learn to navigate all the details of a new online course and you are all doing great!

Here are some reminders for the next few days (from the Course Schedule)

  1. The supplemental (graded) online homework for the acid-base review on D2L is due Monday, 1/17 at 11:59 pm.  If you are not sure where to find it or how it works, read below.
  2. After you finish the graded homework, and conclude your review of acids and bases, your next step would be to continue following the course schedule and begin the topic of Common Ion Effect and Buffers.

You will encounter three types of online questions and problems as you work through the class:

  1. The auto check questions built into the Bruce’s Notes lecture notes.  Those are ungraded and are there for you to work as you go through the lecture material.
  2. A similar set of ungraded homework problems for each topic.  They are located in the link CHEM 152 Online Homework under the “Useful links” area at the right side of all pages in this course website.  Working these will help prepare you for the graded supplemental homework problems (many of the supplemental homework problems are based on these problems)
  3. The supplemental homework (graded) problems, which are housed on D2L. The supplemental homework questions can be accessed on D2L by clicking the “assessments” tab in the top menu then clicking “quizzes”.

This link on the homework web page provides a description about the website (regular ungraded) homework, the supplemental homework (graded and with due dates) on D2L, and how they work together.  It also has detailed instructions about how to find the supplemental homework on D2L.   Please read it, and it you still are unclear about the homework assignments or what is submitted please ask.

Have a good weekend and feel free to reach out with questions or if you have difficulties.

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