Reminders and Updates for week of Jan 30-Feb 7 (end of Unit 1)

Here are some reminders and updates in the course for the next week and the end of Unit 1 (Jan 30-Feb 7)

Assignments and topics for next week (see the Course Schedule)

  • The Supplemental Homework assignment on Acid-Base Titrations is due Monday 1/31.
  • If you haven’t already, begin the next topic – Solubility Equilibria.  Supplemental HW questions for this topic will be due Sunday, 2/6 (note the Sunday, rather than the usual Monday deadline to allow time Monday for the Unit 1 Exam.
  • Quiz 2 – Acid-Base Titrations, Solubility Equilibria due Sunday 2/6.  This quiz is NOT on D2L – it is available under Unit 1 in the menu of this course website.  
  • Begin the next topic – Acid-Base titrations.  Supplemental HW questions for this topic will be available by Tuesday 1/25 and due Monday 1/31.
  • The Unit 1 Exam (see below)
Unit 1 Exam

The Unit 1 exam will cover the topics of

  • Acid Base Review
  • Common Ion and Buffer Solutions
  • Acid-Base Titrations
  • Solubility Equilibria

The exam will be available Saturday Feb 5 at 8 am and must be completed by Monday Feb 7 at 11:59 pm.  You can access it on D2L by clicking  Assessments then Quizzes. (D2L calls anything it grades automatically a “quiz” – including graded homework or exams).

Even though you have a three day window in which to take it (which hopefully will give you some flexibility), it will be timed with a 2 hour limit.  You must complete it in one 2 hour sitting, so arrange to take it when you have 2 hours and will not be interrupted.

If you took CHEM 151 online at LCC, you likely remember having to submit your work for the 8 point questions in a submissions folder in D2L after taking the exam.  The 152 exams are set up differently and you will not be required to do this.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, don’t worry about it!

There are resources for study and review (including review questions and a practice exam) in addition to the lecture notes and text.   Click here for a list of additional study and review resources for Unit 1.

Let me know if you have questions!



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