Reminders and Updates for end of Unit 2 (including Unit 2 Exam)

Hopefully your study of Chemical Kinetics and Nuclear Chemistry in Unit 2 is going well!  Here are some reminders and updates in the course (including the Unit 2 Exam, which is available beginning tomorrow)

Supplemental Homework Questions Nuclear Chemistry

Supplemental HW questions for Nuclear Chemistry will be due March 5 (note the Saturday, rather than the usual Monday deadline to complete the exam before Spring Break begins.

Unit 2 Exam available tomorrow (March 3) through Sunday (March 6)

The Unit 2 exam will cover the topics of Chemical Kinetics and Nuclear Chemistry

The exam will be available Thursday March 3 at 8 am and must be completed by Sunday Feb 6 at 11:59 pm.  This will leave the whole next week for Spring Break.  You can access it on D2L by clicking  Assessments then Quizzes. (D2L calls anything it grades automatically a “quiz” – including graded homework or exams).

Even though you have a four day window in which to take it (which hopefully will give you some flexibility), it will be timed with a 2 hour limit.  You must complete it in one 2 hour sitting, so arrange to take it when you have 2 hours and will not be interrupted.

There are resources for study and review (including review questions and a practice exam) in addition to the lecture notes and text.   Click here for a list of additional study and review resources for Unit 2.

Unit 3

Next up is Unit 3.  Details for what is covered in Unit 3 can be found at the Unit 3 link just above or through Unit 3 on the menu at this website. Unit 3 starts officially On March 14 (after Spring Break) and there is no expectation you will work on it over spring break.  However, if you wish to get started early, it is available now.

Deadlines, as always, are on the Course Schedule.

Let me know if you have questions and (after completing the homework and exam) have a great Spring Break!



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