Online CHEM 152 reminders for week of Feb 19

Hi online CHEM 152 students!

I’m sorry that LCC’s internet issues have affected access to your ability to access the course website.  Reports I’m hearing is that is current still affecting some people, although I’m currently able to access it from off campus.

Yesterday, I sent out an email containing attachments or links (outside the course website) link to:

  • The Online Course Schedule
  • Bruce’s notes on the two Unit 2 topics: Chemical Kinetics and Nuclear Chemistry
  • Quiz 3 (due Monday 2/26)
  • other study resources

Hopefully those resources will help you keep pace if you are still unable to access the course website.  Please keep me informed.

The Chemical Kinetics Online Homework will now be due Monday, Feb 26 (extended due to the website connectivity issues).

The Unit 2 Exam will be available 2/28 – 3/2 (note exam window ends Saturday (not Tuesday) for Spring Break). See  CHEM 152 Exam Info

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or need help with the course material.


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