Updates and reminders for week of March 18

Hi Online CHEM 152 Students,

I hope you had a good Spring Break and your return to school and studies last week went well.  Some updates and reminders for the upcoming week are listed below:

Unit 2 Recap

Your Unit 2 Exams have been returned to you with grades and comments — please let me know if you have questions about how to complete any of the problems or the grading.  The exam average was 65.4.  Quiz 3 will be returned this week — I am grading those with the in-person class that completed them just after spring break.

Unit 3

The first (and shortest) topic of Unit 3 is Oxidation-Reduction.  You should be wrapping it up now to be on schedule — with online homework on that topic due today.

Other due dates in Unit 3 are available in the Online Course Schedule.  This week’s focus is Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry.

I hope you have a good week and let me know if you have questions or need assistance.

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