Updates and reminders for week of April 8

Hi Online CHEM 152 Students,

Unit 3 is complete and I hope your study of Electrochemistry is off to a good start.  Some updates and reminders for the upcoming week are listed below:

Unit 3 Exam

The graded Unit 3 exam was emailed to you today.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the problems on the exam or grading and also check to make sure I totaled the points correctly.

Quiz 4

I will grade and return Quiz 4 to you in the next day or two.

Unit 4

Unit 4 contains two topics — Electrochemistry and Molecular Orbitals.  Hopefully you are progressing well on Electrochemistry (the longer of the two topics), with a target of completing it and starting Molecular Orbitals (the shortest topic) by the end of the weekend.  The Unit 4 due dates are listed on the Online Course Schedule.

I hope you had a good view of the solar eclipse today and have a good week – please let me know if you have questions or need assistance with the course.

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