Reminders and Updates for Week of Feb 8-14

Here are some reminders and updates in the course for this week:

Unit 1 Exam

Today is the last day of availability of the Unit 1 exam, which covers the topics of

  • Acid Base Review
  • Common Ion and Buffer Solutions
  • Acid-Base Titrations
  • Solubility Equilibria

The exam  must be completed by Monday Feb 8 at 11:59 pm.  You can access it on D2L by clicking  Assessments then Quizzes. (D2L calls anything it grades automatically a “quiz” – including graded homework or exams).

It will be timed with a 2 hour limit.  You must complete it in one 2 hour sitting, so arrange to take it when you have 2 hours and will not be interrupted.

If you took CHEM 151 online at LCC, you likely remember having to submit your work for the 8 point questions in a submissions folder in D2L after taking the exam.  The 152 exams are set up differently and you will not be required to do this.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, don’t worry about it!

There are resources for study and review (including review questions and a practice exam) in addition to the lecture notes and text.   Click here for a list of additional study and review resources for Unit 1.

After I have a chance to review your answers on the numerical questions, exam grades will be available in the D2L gradebook. To see your answers and the correct answers in D2L, you can click on Course Progress, Class Progress, Quizzes, Exam 1, Details, then choose Attempt 1.  You should be able to do this by tomorow evening or Wednesday morning.


I’ve partially graded the Quiz 2 and still have some of the second round of Quiz 1’s to grade, and am continuing that today.  They will be returned to you via email as they are graded.

Unit 2

Unit 2 is next.  You will likely find it quite different than Unit 1 in that it does not depend as strongly as Unit 1 did on remembering acid base chemistry from CHEM 151 – rather it will be more like new material for everyone.  There will be supplemental HW which I am finalizing today and tomorrow and will make available as soon as I finalize it.

Let me know if you have questions, difficulties, or concerns.

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