Unit 2 Kinetics Feb 17 updates

I hope your study of Chemical Kinetics is progressing well!  Let me know if you have questions, difficulties, or concerns.

Here are some reminders and updates in the course for this week:

Chemical Kinetics Supplementary Homework

The Chemical Kinetics Supplementary D2L homework is available now.  Since I was late posting it – the deadline will be extended from what is was originally in the course schedule.  It will be due Wed 2/24 at 11:59 pm.

Quiz 3

Quiz 3 is available on this website.  It will be given and collected similarly to Quiz 1 and Quiz 2.  It is available on this website in the menu under Quiz 3 or at this link: Quiz 3.  Since I was late posting it – the deadline will be extended from what is was originally in the course schedule.  It will be due Wed 2/24 at 11:59 pm.

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