Checking in

I’m sure many of you are still reeling from the tragic events that unfolded at MSU last night. I know that many of you have strong connections to MSU and the area.  I’m grateful that LCC is closed today to allow time for people to process.

I will be sending out some reminders and updates later today for the course, as well as sending back graded work (your unit 1 exams and many of your Quiz 2) today.  I do this only because Tuesdays is a good day for me to get this type of work done (as I teach in-person Mondays and Wednesdays) and I know you all have varied schedules and it will be better for many of you to get this information sooner rather than later.  Please know there are no immediate deadlines and there is no expectation or requirement that you open or read those emails or updates today.

People react differently to violence and fear, and my and the college’s goal is to support you. Please know these resources are available should you need them:

Take care of yourselves.


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