Online CHEM 152 – Update and reminders (Including Exam 2 Info)

I hope your study of Chemical Kinetics has gone well and your study of Nuclear Chemistry is progressing.  Please feel free to comment should you have questions.

Some announcements for the remainder of Unit 2 are below – please read everything below carefully and let me know if you have questions.

Quizzes and Online Homework

Quiz 3 is the only quiz for this unit and is due Monday 2/27.   I apologize for the delay in getting Quiz 2 graded – between some family obligations, some unexpected work duties, and minor illness over the last week I have gotten behind, but an open day on the calendar today and feeling better I should make a dent in it — look for them via email.

The online homework for Nuclear Chemistry is also due Monday 2/27.

Unit 1 Exam

Exam Information

Like Unit 1, the exam is a proctored, pen/pencil and paper exam.  It is not offered online on D2L.  It will be available during open Testing Center Days and Hours Tuesday 2/28 and ending Saturday 3/4.

Please note that I departed from the Friday through Tuesday window used last semester (and that we will use for most exams) due to LCC being on Spring Break the week of March 6-10.  If this causes undue hardship for you, please let me know — the Testing Center does offer limited hours over Spring Break.

The exam will cover everything in Unit 2.

Testing hours and locations are at this link

There is detailed information about the exams at this link.  Please read it carefully – it contains the answers to many frequently asked questions.  Let me know if you have additional questions after reading it.

For this exam, you will be provided a copy of the Periodic Table for Units 1-3.  A copy of the periodic table you will receive is at this link.

Additional Study Resources

Don’t forget to look at the Unit 2 – additional study resources page on this Website.  It contains many resources to help you prepare for the exam.  Please take a look at them.  One of those resources is a practice exam.  Please read more about the practice exam below:

Practice Exam
What the practice exam is:

This practice exam will be similar in length, number of questions, types of questions (multiple choice, short answer, numerical problems, etc) to your exam.  The practice exam will be useful as a general review and will help you see how prepared you are.  If the practice exam (without looking at your notes) is easy for you, the actual exam probably will be.  If it is difficult, the actual exam probably will be.

What the practice exam is NOT:

The actual exam will NOT be the same as the practice exam with only a few numbers changed.  Do NOT think that if you only study and memorize the questions on the practice exam that you will be ready for the exam because the questions will be the same. 

Unit 3 is next

Unit 3 comes next.  It covers three topics: Oxidation-Reduction Reactions, Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry, and Chemical Thermodynamics.   See the Online Course Schedule for assignments and deadlines for Unit 3. As you will see, I’ve put no expectation of work over Spring Break into the suggested pacing for the course, but the resources are there should you wish to begin over this time, since this is an online class and I realize many of you have different schedules, plans, obligations, etc.


Best wishes for a strong finish to Unit 2, a good Spring Break, and let me know if you have questions or need assistance with the class.



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