Online CHEM 152 Update March 25 (includes Unit 3 info and schedule update)

I hope all of you have been able to get back into the swing of things with all things LCC after the cyberthreat outage.  If you are having any issues accessing materials, changing passwords, etc please see the info below.  This update contains information regarding deadline extensions and schedule changes as a result of the outage as well as unit 3 exam information.

If you are unable to change your LCC Password to access D2L and LCC email, read this.  This does NOT apply to the online homework.

If you are unable to access D2L or LCC email, or change your LCC Password, please contact the LCC Help Desk at 517-483-5221.

If you are unable to log into the ONLINE HOMEWORK, read this

When you changed your LCC Password after the cyberthreat, it DID NOT change your password for the online homework.  You should still use your same password that you used before the cyberthreat outage (or you can use lost password to reset it – remember the recovery email will go to your LCC email address – not D2L email)

Course Schedule and Deadline changes

All deadline extensions and schedule changes as a result of the cyberthreat outage are posted in the Online Course Schedule.  These deadlines have been extended as follows:

  • All unit 3 deadlines (Oxidation-Reduction Online Homework, Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry Online Homework, Chemical Thermodynamics Online Homework, Quiz 4, and the Unit 3 Exam) have had the deadlines extended by 7 days.
  • All unit 4 deadlines (Electrochemistry Online Homework, Molecular Orbitals Online Homework, Quiz 5, Quiz 6, and the Unit 4 Exam) have had the deadlines extended by 4 days.
  • Final Exam Part 2 has had the deadlines extended by 4 days.
  • Final Exam Part 1 will be on the original schedule

All assignments will be available on the dates they were originally scheduled.  This will enable you to stay on the original schedule if you were relatively unaffected by the outage or to catch up gradually and still complete the course by the end of the semester if it affected you more substantially.  If these extensions are not sufficient or pose undue hardship, please contact me and we will make other arrangements.

Upcoming Unit 3 Reminders

Let me know if you have questions or need assistance!


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