Online CHEM 152 reminders for week of Jan 21

I hope you are all getting settled into the rhythm of the class and how it works as well in progressing in the chemistry!  Make sure you check the Online Course Schedule regularly to remember assignments.  If you have not been doing that is a good habit to start – you (not I) are responsible for making sure you are keeping up with the deadlines and assignments.

Please read everything below carefully and let me know if you have questions.

Online Homework

Hopefully you are all logged into the online homework and is going well – I can see most of you have been completing the assignments.  Remember you MUST BE LOGGED IN to receive credit.    If you are a person that tends to forget to log in, I’d recommend writing the answers on scrap paper after you work them so you could go back later and type in the answers if you forget to log in.

The next online homework assignment (on Common Ion and Buffers) is due Monday 1/22.


I have gone through most of the Quiz 0 assignments and returned them to you.  If you turned it in, you received full credit of 20 points.  Thanks to all of you who took the time to introduce yourselves and for all the good questions you asked.  I appreciate your patience in my getting them back to you — between the 5 classes I’m teaching this semester I received over 120 first week surveys.

Thanks to all of you who submitted Quiz 1 as pdf files according to the instructions!  I will be grading them this week and returning them via email to the address you sent them from.

Quiz 2 will be made available later and will be due Monday 2/5.

The Unit 1 Exam can be taken at any Testing Center during open days and hours beginning Feb 2 and ending Feb 6.  I will send out detailed exam info next week.

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